Edible Gardening

Week in Review: Week of August 14, 2023

What happened this week? Watch to find out!
The www.sowandtare.com website is LIVE! Plus, the Friends of Sow and Tare facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/279296011292457 is LIVE! Please check them out and spread the word!
Start Quail University! (Katrina’s Affiliate link): https://learn.quailuniversity.com/courses/quail-101?ref=8fa6a0
Find Sow and Tare on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/search/top?q=sow%20and%20tare
$10 off GreenStalk: https://i.refs.cc/DpM52aTV?smile_ref=eyJzbWlsZV9zb3VyY2UiOiJzbWlsZV91aSIsInNtaWxlX21lZGl1bSI6IiIsInNtaWxlX2NhbXBhaWduIjoicmVmZXJyYWxfcHJvZ3JhbSIsInNtaWxlX2N1c3RvbWVyX2lkIjoxMTYzNjIzMzg2fQ%3D%3D
Azure Standard: https://www.azurestandard.com/shop/product/food/grains/rice/long-grain/brown/rice-long-grain-brown-eco-farmed-gluten-free/17140?package=GR042&a_aid=d31c202916

We are in USDA planting zone 9b in California and we grow as much food as we can on our 7,000 square-foot city lot. We have quail, chickens, rabbits, edible landscaping garden, and preserve food.

“As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.” If you want to support me, go ahead and buy from the links, if not, that’s ok, I have them here so you know what materials to get.


  1. I have a fig tree in my backyard just planted it last year. It’s still pretty small. I can’t remember what type it is … Hopefully in a couple years I’ll get some figs .
    I will try to make your live stream tonight, but East Coast time is 9 PM. I usually go to bed early but I’ll try to make it.
    Thanks Kate

  2. My area has had wildfires around us for the past week. The skies are grey with smoke and a lot of ash. I helped my neighbor to pick about 2/3 of her peaches. She gave me two boxes and I have already made peach pie. Delicious! I'm didn't make the live cast because I was watching your post —so sorry!

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