
houseplantjournal: 1️⃣ Sept. 2019 2️⃣ July 2016 – Visited my friends in…

1️⃣ Sept. 2019 2️⃣ July 2016

Visited my friends in Ottawa and got to see the progression of their Ficus Ginseng bonsai plant.

Anxiety-inducing traditional houseplant care thinking: wow, that’s a leggy plant that needs to be pruned and it’s so slanted; you should rotate it; and is that a yellowed leaf? Maybe you’re overwatering. And I see a tiny brown tip – try misting every 5 minutes or put a tray of pebbles filled with water…

Darryl’s thoughts: this plant is so happy. I love a plant that has grown into its space!
#houseplantjournal #houseplants #plants #ficus #ficusginsengbonsai #ficusginseng #ikeaplants #homedecor #plantlove #plantlife #plantwisdom

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