Vegetable Gardening

20 vegetables YOU CAN PLANT IN LATE SUMMER for a fall garden

Are you hoping for more time to grow fresh veggies this summer and fall? Here’s what to plant NOW!
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Fall gardens are a must if you are growing your own food.

In today’s Pantry Chat, Josh and Carolyn discuss planting for fall and 20 vegetables you can plant in late summer for a fall garden that may even provide fresh produce for your kitchen into winter time!

Grab yourself a Clyde’s Garden Planner (and use code HOMESTEADINGFAMILY.COM at checkout!):

Time Stamps for those of you that want to travel through time and skip the boring stuff!
0:00 – Intro
1:18 – Chit Chat
7:02 – Q & A
11:00 – Main Topic
19:45 – 20 Vegetables you can still plant in August (and beyond)

WELCOME! We’re so glad you’re here! Let’s start growing, preserving & THRIVING! We are Josh and Carolyn Thomas. Together with our eleven children, we are The Homesteading Family where we’re living a self-sustainable life in beautiful North Idaho. Let us welcome you and show you a bit about us here:

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Click any of the links below for instant access to free video training resources:

Healthy Healing at Home – Learn how to confidently use herbal medicine in your home with this FREE 4 video workshop.

Your Best Loaf – A Free 4 video workshop teaching you how to make great bread at home, every time, regardless of the recipe you are using.

Meals on Your Shelf – Can along with me! Learn to can and put jars of a delicious meal on your pantry shelf with this FREE video series.

Click any of the links below for instant access to these free downloadable PDFs:

– 5 Steps to a More Self Sufficient Life- Simple PDF download on 5 steps anyone can take wherever they are to start a more self-sufficient lifestyle.
– Thrive Wellness Checklist- A simple PDF download for healthy living.
– Permaculture for Your Homestead- PDF download that is an introduction to permaculture with some strategies for applying it to one’s homestead and garden.
– Carolyn’s Cottage Garden herb list- PDF with Carolyn’s favorite herbs for growing at home.
– Carolyn’s Make-Ahead Breakfast Casseroles- Carolyn’s favorite make-ahead breakfast casseroles.
– Your FREE Guide to Preserving Eggs- PDF download with multiple ways to preserve eggs.
– 5 Steps to a Healthy Garden- PDF download with an explanation of what makes healthy soil and 5 steps you can take to improve your garden
– Save the Crumbs- Several Recipes for using bread leftovers, a less committal entry to bread than the workshop.
– Fearless Fermenting- A PDF on basic lacto-ferments.
– Fermenting Tomatoes- PDF download on fermenting tomatoes
– Preserving Culinary Herbs- Downloadable, step by step directions to drying, freezing and salting culinary herbs.
– Render Your Own Lard- PDF with instructions on how to render your own lard.


  1. I live in the North Minnesota woods and I'm just trying to grow EVERYTHING. If it's a seed? I'm trying. I have a large room with a freestanding wood stove and it's 70-80 in there all winter. It's going to be my greenhouse. Talk about miracle grow? Jesus is able to raise the dead…. I'm believing for a great many things. Love you all!!! 🙋🏼‍♀️🌹

  2. I'm in Alabama, bordering Columbus Ga. I have a heck of a time growing corn in my little yard. Gonna try it now to see if that works as well as carrots beets celery lettuce etc.

  3. I planted a second round of pickling cukes and zucchini a few weeks ago. Also planted carrots. I am zone 5a in northern MA.

  4. Why is si start seed indoors not on many of that planner does that mean you just plant directly
    In the ground and u don’t have to start them
    Right away inside the house?

  5. Freeze dryers have a great layaway plan. Med fam size is $2500. You put some $ down make your payments when ever you can & how much you can, until it's paid off. Then they ship it.❤😊

  6. I was disheartened to learn canning foods only preserve about 60% of the nutrients. Freeze drying is 100% nutrient rich.❤

  7. I live in s. central Florida i thought i could grow yr round but, its too hot during the summer . Total shade gardening in the summer.

  8. Hi! Thanks for passing on this valuable information! Maybe I missed it, but what zone are you in? We are in 4b- tough growing for us. I am just curious as to what would grow for us. I Googled it with minimal answers but will keep looking. None of my neighbors have gardens, unfortunately. Thx!
    Choteau, MT

  9. This video could have been 4 minutes NOT 36! I don't know you and don't give a dam what you have been up to and neither do most people, that's not why people clicked on the video. Unless people watch every video they care less about a question asked 3 months ago, move it to the end or answer in the comments. Seen a few of your videos and want to but won't subscribe because of the unrelated rants you go off to for most of the video before you get to the topic, hate it, jumping thru to find the subject of the video. Move that crap to the end and grow your channel. People can get what they came for then click off. Cut the first 11… YUP 11 minutes and put it at the end! THANK YOU FOR WASTING MY TIME AGAIN. AT 13 minutes your still spreading agony, instead of talking of mentioning a vegetable, REALLY!! I clicked off and will be clicking don't recommend this channel after today!

  10. I first started watching your videos last Sept. when we bought our small Homestead. I had all these big plans to get it working as soon as possible. Planted lots of seedlings and couldn't wait for the frost date to come and go. Tried to get chickens but the pickups kept falling through. None of the veggies came up and our beautiful garden now has 10ft tall weeds growing in and amongst the raised beds. I cant get to the back of the coop right now for the weeds! When you said you should take time to get settles in, unpack, and get to know your land I suddenly stopped feeling like I failed! Thank you so much! We have some elevated beds for Mom to.plant and yesterday I put in carrots, chard and radishes. Thanks for the advice, you all rock! I'm in zone 7-8, upstate, SC.

  11. I have green worms, like caterpillars, on my lettuce this year. I have to make sure they are all off by the time I eat my salads. There aren't a huge numbers of them, I've found a few.

  12. Afternoon Carol hope all went and is well with you the new move. My wife and I miss your 7 pm broadcast. See you soon

  13. Seeds aren't expensive .. unless you really want to be prepared for future and find a bunch of heirloom seeds that you want to try now and/or future .. i bought over $325 in seeds 🤪. I got started late because a small greenhouse I ordered got lost by the shipping company and I had to wait for them to send me another .. by then I was actually able to use seed starters on my deck. Most everything I plant is in some type of container .. Menards buckets, tires, grow bags, etc. I had ordered 6 elderberry stems and they sprouted and look great but so far only 2 have bloomed .. do the berries come on now, I dont see anything and this is new to me?
    I had bought organic white and gold sweet potatoes and planted 2 buckets of each, they look great as far as the vines and should be ready first of October.
    I was so happy that my 7 blueberry plants made it through winter but they haven't done a thing! I just put coffee grounds around them as someone suggested to see what happens. I bought two raspberry bushes and have had some raspberries from them. I found an heirloom black tomato plant and have had several tomatoes from it the past few weeks and quite a lot of small marble-sized tomatoes from a couple of volunteer plants (I guess the birds left them because of where they are) that are really great in my salads. I bought a red bell pepper plant and am waiting for the 2 peppers to start turnin – seems like last year they started turning after picked? I just harvested 3 yellow squash and a zucchini this past week 😊. I have my first watermelons and cucumbers growing on the vines; sunflowers are blooming. I bought 5 'ready for the trash' organic strawberry plants .. they have turned into TWELVE plants already and have berries all over them! My lemon cilantro came up but hasn't done anything and other herbs have not even come–up .. going to try again now. Pumpkin vine is blooming like crazy. I bought seeds for tall purslane and am loving it! I usually eat it before I can add it to my salad – going to re-seed it. Pink Amaranth intrigued me and so I looked up nutritional info – A POWERHOUSE! – getting ready to plant that. I bought several tower planters super cheap at Aldi and am getting ready to plant short carrots in some and dedicate one to different lettuces and kales. I planted purple beans, the vines are up and am waiting to see beans. Peas arent doing anything, too much sun? Going to keep trying. I have to go through the seed packets to see what else I want to try this season …
    God bless everybody ❣️

  14. Might you be able to sow scallions in early August, even in Idaho? Also for people in mild-summer four-season growing areas, it's good to start leeks in early August.

  15. Talking of pesticides, and of soil development. people need to understand physics of smal t hings to understnd why you need stuff in the soil that i not actula soil food but helps the plants to eat their food.
    People imagine that plants simply need to have the food that we know they eat in the soi,l so these can kill off all the other things in the soil. However, the chemicals plants eat chemical NPK can get stuck either to each other so geet too big or to things like bits of clay so that then the problem is, they wil not be floating around in the soil water:They might stick to a piece of clay or other obejet even sand perhaps or they will be in a piece to big to swallow for plant root pore because they got stuck to masses of other atoms like themselves. Calcium, magnesium too if I remember right, stick to other calcium or magnesium atoms and turns into what for a root pore is an enormouse stone.
    NItrogen can get stuck to bits of clay, to clay particles and so not be dissolved in the soil water and humic acids in the soil prevent nitrogen doing that.
    Humic acids which are the end result of the break down of plants and humous, can help to remove nitrogen atoms from clay particles they get stuck to. Maybe acids help to remove nitrogen atoms from clay particles because they are acid and acid makes the soil water more conductive! Maybe it is this conducivity which pulls the nitrogen atom off whatever it has stuck to. I have to explore the science of it more.
    Things on the atomic level and even on the coloidial clay partical level, clay particles are 10 mm and smaller in size, can get stuck to other things because of electro magnetic forces. In the atomic and other small things world, things get caught to each other by electro magnetic attraction. Atoms to each other. I htink scientists should tell people that magnetism is key in the atomic world. WHat they dont say is incredible.
    Calcium atoms on the other hand can floculate with each other. That means they stick to each other and become a small stone.
    One thing you need to know about the microscopic is that, a piece of sand has as many atoms in it as there are grains of sand in the beach. this means that if you can see a small piece of calcium, it is enormouse compared to an atom of the same material. So, if calcium has become a speck it is a very big thing for a root pore.
    How to keep calcium atoms from brothering up to other so. Well for htat you need amino acids which come from proteins.
    If calcium quellates with amino acid molecules, quelates is get caught up buy, in hte descriptin of this there were two amino acid molecules holding on to an calcium atom. then they cannot stick to other calcium atoms and plant roots can take up the calcium. .
    If you have lots of insects and worms in your soil then you wil have amno acids in it so calcium iwl be aviliable to your plants. So, killing your insects is crazy.
    I learnt this from a you tube talk of Harley Smith´s on hte subject. He is really interesting but he sells fertilisiers for marijuana. I found him looking aup somehting about humic acids. Thing is, the best scientists are on wine and marihuana, He is very serious and great on soil science.

  16. In Galicia, in Northern Spain, they make a vegetable soup with potaoes, onions and such in it that includes the leaves of turnips and is very good. There they call the leaves of turnips grellos.

  17. A very informative video for us. thank you. I would like to let your viewers know about the times we are in.
    Jesus said in the Bible this over 2,000 years ago. Matthew 4:17 Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.
    Well we truly are in that time now with His return so close with so little time left . Everyone realize that there
    are two eternities, heaven or hell. He desires no one to perish. He is knocking at your door. Revelation 3:20
    Behold I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and
    will sup with him, and him with me. How wonderful He is! Here is the gospel of salvation John 3:16 For God
    so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but
    have everlasting life. To accept Jesus's gift of eternal salvation, you accept Him as your Lord and saviour in
    your heart. Believe he died on the cross and rose on the third day and confess your sins to Him and ask for
    His forgiveness. If you do this, your life will change and you'll know the love of Jesus. Hallelujah Dear Lord Jesus!
    Please listen to these words if you are not saved, they are the most important words you'll ever hear in your life to do!
    Don't miss out on a eternal, beautiful, indescribable life with our Lord and Father, Jesus. Thank You Dear Jesus and
    Thank you Homesteading Family!

  18. I’ve been having 105°-107° degrees this week and not sure if there may be more of that Sep or Oct. I’m 1800’ elevation, central Ca., zone 9b (I believe). Will it be too hot? No guarantees on the temps🤷🏼‍♀️

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