
CaliKim: HurriQuake ?? Tropical Storm Hilary and Earthquake Hits L.A.

Tropical Storm Hilary + 5.1 earthquake + hurriquake
An update from CaliKim and CameraGuy – Follow us for more!
www.calikimgardenandhome.com how to grow your own food: quick/simple/inexpensive


  1. So do they not tell yall to evacuate? Over here on the East Coast they make us evacuate period I mean, you don't have to leave period but you had better not have a problem like need an ambulance or police period because they're not coming to get you if you should have evacuated period they will not come.

  2. Wow, unbelievable! An inch of rain! And a bent over tree? Call FEMA! Hype it up! You'll be sunny in 1 day…

    We've had 9 inches of rain in Thailand… It's monsoon season in SE Asia… You guys have it EASY! LOL 😂

  3. We are getting pounded out here! Unbelievable winds and gusts are scary. Rain and flooding. We live in the IE. Winds are crazy. My poor garden. I did what I could but we shall see tomorrow. Hilary hits us in 30 minutes. I brought my chickens in. Lost my sunflowers already and we have sandbagged our back enclosed patio. Didnt feel earthquake here but heard about it.

  4. OMG these comments. Yes other countries and areas get more rain than others. Other countries and areas also have extreme heat or wildfires all of the time.

    That being said when it is unusual for a particular area or country to get this type of weather it can really cause issues and also affect infrastructure not designed to cope with this.

    I am so glad you got your deck re done after the rain and floods you had earlier this year. Have you noticed any change in subsidence from all that rain in the soil and land in your local county from earlier this year?

    I remember when Kevin from Epic Gardening moved into his new house as that soil just looked so dusty and wouldn't be able to handle that kinda of rain. I wonder how he and Jacques are doing now that they have done something to improve the native soil?

    I think in terms of your garden, it is more dangerous as you are on a hill and hence why tiered gardening and containers work for you.

    If people don't work on their garden soil and improve it with organic matter like planting, mulching and using compost, it will be more likely to flood.

    I also think gov authorities need to do more like clearing drains of debris and not just when there is a chance of heavy rain. The build up can run all of the drainage points and all it takes is some blocks drains 10 miles down stream for it to block the chain.

    June was hot here in London, UK for about 10 about avg but overall a lot cooler, wetter and humid than normal this year.

    Hope the hurricane storms pass you ok and get some buckets in the garden to save that precious water! You could do with larger water butts, like the one you have but stacked against the side of the house that filters down. You can have one side connected to drip and the other side as a run off overflow system back to a drain.

    I have already topped some of my tomato plants. Not due to the lack of heat but the humidity will bring blight. I have potted the tops off for later on and i can take the pots in if the weather is too wet and humid.

    I have over wintered my peppers, so now trying with the tomatoes. I did do it once last year, with a volunteer last autumn and i managed to keep it going. I just want to do it with my late step FIL plant to get an earlier start next year. I wanted to do it last year but we got blight in Oct during the school holidays. Because of the wet year i am doing it earlier as i know that blight will come sooner and i want my existing toms to ripen and make sure i have a plant to overwinter.

    Anyway, apologies for the long comment and would love to see an update on how you and your garden/ back yard faired.

    I don't seem to get notified of shorts any longer on long format channels, after they made the changes to the sub page but i did happen to see yours time to watch. Not sure if i am the only one not to receive notis of shorts any more?

    Well best wishes to you all. x

  5. Here was near cold most of the day, only mid 60s, but dont worry, over 100 tomorrow! Turn around dont drown! Find a rugged interior door or bail out when your ground shakes! -Bob…

  6. 🙏🙏🙏🙏 stay safe guys! We know all about hurricanes out here on the East Coast. It is not a pretty sight.

  7. Silverlake here. Heavy rain but no winds. Did not feel that earthquake! I hope you all are okay. 🙂

  8. We get those storms in Texas all the time, except we have tornadoes in them.

  9. When I heard that Hillary was heading in your direction I was concerned for you guys. Never could I have guessed that you'd also experience an earthquake at the same time.

    Be safe❣️

  10. glad the three of you are doing ok we were wondering how everything was doing I believe you when you said and earth quake shook you off the couch been there done that It happen back In the 90s when I lived In California I was sleeping at the time

  11. Glad you updated us. I was wondering how you guys were doing with "Hillary" and the earthquake.

  12. Glad y’all are safe. Been cloudy here. It’s trying to rain. Not getting much . This afternoon felt some wind . I saw in the forecast we could expect some 47 mph wind here in southern az

  13. Who’s been arranging the final songs. I love how the energy has been altered. Last week you totally redid How Great is our God. So amazing. We did it a similar way at my church this Sunday, but ended with a different tag on song. Thanks for your inspiration.

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