Japanese Garden

7 Ways to Get Your Bonsai Trees for Free, S01 E18

Get Some Free Trees! Here are 7 ways I get Free Bonsai Trees.

1. Growing from seed: I like acorns (especially cork oak acorns from Cal State Fullerton), Japanese Maple, Chinese Elm, Peruvian Pepper Tree (Schinus molle), Liquidambar (sweetgum), pine, stone fruits. I don’t find ficus or juniper to be worth the trouble. Instead, I like to propagate those with …

2. Cloning: cuttings (root cuttings, hardwood or softwood cuttings) and layering (I prefer air layering to ground layering).

3. Free local ads: Craigslist, NextDoor app, and Facebook groups and marketplace, mostly responding, but I’ve also placed ads in the past. [No actual dead bodies were used in the filming of this video]

4. Joining a club: okay, joining the club costs $25-40, and just being a guest doesn’t get you the same experience, but by going to club meetings, you can get free trees from raffle rejects, unwanted tree share tables, gifts from friends, and from time to time, club digs.

5. Government freebies: rebates, native trees, and invasive species removal programs

6. Yamadori: collecting wild trees from private lands, state and federal forest product permits, BLM (Bureau of Land Management), but never from national parks.

7. Opportunism: the serendipity of coming across a demo crew ripping out landscaping, gardeners replacing shrubs and hedges, friends, family and neighbors who know you might be interested in their plants.

I’ve gotten literally hundreds of free bonsai trees using these methods, and many of them have become nice trees. Most importantly, they make it easier to have material to work on. They sharpen skills, and make it so much easier to take risks. Would you take risks on a tree you just put out $400 for? How about a tree you just scored for free? Free trees let you FA, and that allows you to FO. Get some free trees and find out!

#DrunkBonsai, #Bonsai, #BonsaiArt, #BonsaiLife, #BonsaiTree, #BonsaiTrees, #bonsailifestyle, #Pruning, #Wiring, #PruningBonsai, #WiringBonsai, #shohin, #Juniper, #Procumbens, #Nana, #CoastalBonsai, #CoastalBonsaiClub, #RaffleTableReject, #Bougainvillea, #Elm, #maple, #liquidambar, #sweetgum, #pine, #CaliforniaJuniper, #lobsterflower, #HarryHirao, #BonsaiClub, #Seeds, #Seedlings, #Cuttings, #RootCuttings, #AirLayer, #Clones, #Craigslist, #Drought, #Rebate, #Yamadori, #Opportunism, #Urbandori, #FreeTrees, #bonsaitreesforbeginners, #bonsaiforbeginners, #BonsaiCalifornia, #BonsaiUSA, #BonsaiSoCal, #BonsaiOC, #Zone10, #Colorvision, #Rum, #Beer, #MyFirstBonsai, #MyFavoriteBonsai,
#酔った盆栽, #酔っ払い, #盆栽

The lobster flower is plectranthus neochilus.

Intro music: Artois by Colorvision (used with permission)
Background music: Colorvision – Cold War,
Aiko – Calm Shores, Knight’s Templar – Adriel Fair, Like Clockwork – Benjamin Kling, State of Zen – Mandala Dreams, If You’re Lucky – Marc Torch, with permission from © Epidemic Sound

Tamarisk bonsai tree designed by Peter Macasieb (@petermacasieb)

Video footage taken July 2023

Thanks for watching. Stay Cool.

Soil mix used:
Agricultural Pumice 40% https://amzn.to/3lZXgGz
Diatomaceous Earth 40% https://amzn.to/3YUZjug
FoxFarm Ocean Forest 10% https://amzn.to/3m5HjyQ
Fine Orchid Bark 10% https://amzn.to/3Itmvsf

Links provided pursuant to Amazon affiliate marketing program. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.


  1. Really interesting video. The seed route is always appealing but the reality of having to wait is a big headache. I have tried root cuttings on my chinese elms and never had success – no idea why. Cuttings has beenmy most succesful manner for getting and growing decent trees. Especially Trident Maple, Dawn redwood and Chinese Elm. That was really interesting about the Yamdori collection of junipers. Thanks Mike

  2. Most of my trees were free as well. In most hobbies, there are people giving away free things.

    Collecting trees is the best way to get free material in my opinion.

  3. I am working with a particular moss, to get my super nerd card, and I was invited to a person’s property to search for the moss. They have Japanese maples growing wild all over the place and I mentioned that to them. Would you like to dig some up? Can you come back for more? Um, yes, most definitely I can. Just the initial trim of a couple interesting trees netted over 100 cuttings I am trying to root. You never know what situation you might walk into.

  4. Great video! My city has a "neighborhood clean-up" time every spring where they place huge dumpsters at the local park and you can throw all your junk away for free. A year or two ago I rescued several huge barberry shrubs from the greenwaste bin there, with the the thickest craggiest trunks you've ever seen. I even carried them home a couple blocks in a free wheelbarrow I rescued from a different dumpster at the same time along with some perfectly good garden tools, etc.
    Another source could be to just drive down the street before garbage day and see if you see some green poking out of people's garbage cans. Not everyone does the courtesy of posting on Craigslist before getting rid of another man's treasures, lol.

  5. Curiously enough, today I stumbled upon a major landscape demo down at City Hall. I lingered a bit and asked the crew if I could nab a couple of the natal plums they'd just ripped out. New video coming up in a day or two…

  6. Absolutely true I was given an oak around 3yr old, with I think a cotoneaster and another tree I've not identified yet. Keep growing.xx

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