Garden Plans

Off-grid in Italy: HOW we found our home and plans for the FUTURE | Episode 2

Welcome to the 2nd episode of our home renovation journey 🙂 In this video we talk about how we found our home, the current situation and some plans for the future.
Thank you so much for your wonderful support! Stay turned for episode 3! 🙂

00:00 Intro
00:35 some background info
06:41 how we found our place
08:07 The current situation
09:45 Our future plans: what we need to do



  1. Oh bless you, wishing you all the best in your wonderful endeavour – Dreams are a Journey born of Courage and Belief, you can do this, you will have a wonderful home, a wonderful life there – be strong, keep happy 😄 🤗 🙋🏼 xx

  2. Good luck with everything and take care of yourselves during this process of constructing a new off grid life! 🍀🍀

  3. Wishing you soooooo much luck with this incredible project you lovely people. I'm sure you are on the right path. Of course it won't be easy, but your plans are pure and true. Just take it one step at a time and try to enjoy the journey. ❤

  4. thank you for sharing. There are no trees on the property yet as far as I saw it. May be you can plant fruit trees and some for shade eventually so they can grow in the meanwhile. This year I planted two Maroni trees ….wish you the very best hugs from Germany

  5. Go go go !!!!!!! You’ll make it! I hope you get the well and solar panel put together sooner than later so you can inprint yourself in this beautiful place. Am sure this will be a great adventure, full of challenges but many learnings and a lot of satisfaction! You’ll make it happen with your determination, love and get this dream come true. Sending you much hugs and love. Delphine

  6. Congratulations for your new future home! How I understand you about all the administrative things, all the norms, all the « must do » which very often does not fit a sustainable way of living… even in Switzerland.
    How great for the hemp/lime isolation! We did this few months ago, it’s such an amazing material. Just make sure if it is compatible with the concrete walls because it must breathe. Anyway, I wish you all the best, all the force you need, it’s a challenging project and takes so much energy but it worth it because you create your own home… be patient and keep going towards your dream. Hugs from Switzerland 🇨🇭

  7. Che meraviglia la vostra casa in mezzo al verde!! Siete bravissimi ed avete un bel progetto di vita insieme in mezzo alla natura 🌿 Supererete di sicuro tutti gli ostacoli ( burocrazia inclusa) e pian piano il vostro sogno diventerà realtà💕🌿

  8. My big question is: How do you pay for the house? I am asking because this is the main obstacle for me to buy a place on my own. I would be glad to get some inspiration for this. Housing is so expensive whether rent or buy.

  9. You two are adorable 😊 I'm very excited for you! You will get through the bureaucracy eventually… one step at a time

  10. So wish I lived closer. I’d be there with my broom and dust pan. You two are just so determined so it will happen. Sending all the good luck moving things along vibes your way.

  11. wow, how exciting! good luck with everything! can't wait to follow your journey! rooting for you <3

  12. You two are so inspiring and your plans sound amazing! What a beautiful stone house and land! My husband and I are doing something similar in Virginia in the USA. We bought a 148 year old farmhouse that has no power and electric yet, but we moved onto the land and are living in a camper while we do the work. It’s definitely been very exciting, but also a little overwhelming at times! I will definitely be following along on your exciting new journey!

  13. I am sooooo excited to watch this journey. Your vision sounds so absolutely beautiful. Take care of yourself ❤ I know how easy it is to burn out when you feel unrooted and your home isn’t clean lol just take care of yourself and keep the finished goal in mind! It will be so beautiful in the end

  14. You guys are just too adorable ❤❤your Love is so evident – for each other, for the land and everything that involves ❤️your future home looks just wonderful and you will make it so gorgeous and all your hard work will pay off that’s for sure!! Looking forward to your next update and sending you lots of Love and support ❤️💥🌈❣️

  15. 👏👏👏 did you think about having volonteers to help you ? Like woofers ? That would be awsome to come helping you 😍

  16. I just found you on the first podcast about your off-grid home. I loved it and really enjoyed this episode giving us the story that led up to the purchase. So looking forward to your exciting journey. I do hope you are keeping a journal. It will be so great to look back on some day when it is completed. ❤❤

  17. Have you thought about getting a trailer/motor home to live in while you work on your place? 😍
    That way you can have a clean place to rest.

  18. Good luck with everything! You are amazing!
    Here we know all about bureaucracy, hang in there, you just have to be more persistent then they can imagine. All the best from Romania!

  19. Omg, what an enormous, life- changing, exciting undertaking you have taken on!!! I am floored, I had no idea you were facing this much physical labor. The two of you are young, healthy and strong, you share your love and your dreams, you have knowledge, abilities, enthusiasm and a huge zest for life: there is no doubt in my mind you will succeed! 💕💕
    As for the bureaucracy: it is a hard and cruel fact of life that it makes everything more difficult rather than less so. Having faced more than my fair share the last 4 years dealing with immigration bureaucratic brick walls for loved ones, my heart goes out to you. Maybe, just maybe, amongst your followers there is a person or two who might know someone who knows someone who knows something 🍀🍀. Just maybe. I wish that for you. And if not, take a big breath and tackle one step, then the next. At least if you get super frustrated you can run outside to your land with a hoe and start weed hacking.😂 Wishing you joy and endurance!!

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