Container Gardening

Secrets of Growing Cucumbers With Many Fruits, From A To Z, Harvest After Only 1 Month

Secrets of Growing Cucumbers With Many Fruits, From A To Z, Harvest After Only 1 Month
– In this video, we will reveal to you the secret to growing cucumbers at home from A to Z. The secret to helping cucumbers produce a lot of fruit and harvest in just one month.
– The cucumber plant (cucumber) is a familiar fruit vegetable to everyone. Especially, for women, they are also beauty products. Cucumber is low in calories but provides many nutrients for the body. Rehydration, vitamin supplements, rich in antioxidants are great benefits of cucumbers.

This is how I mix the soil to grow vegetables at home

Hope useful for you.
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  1. What was the bubbly substance you put on the vines? Thats all I ask because there are no subtitles or explanation.

  2. nice but you "harvest after 1 month" when it took you 2 months but ok it was nice only problem is you did say what you used to grow it and what the bubbles on your hand was.

  3. Aucun commentaire on c’est pas se qu’il met dans la terre et la mousse sur les fleurs c’est quoi? Vidéo qui sert a rien c’est trop nul 👎

  4. Красиво, но огурцы уже переростки, надо было чуть пораньше их снимать.. Что это за мыло? Не объяснили. И что за удобрение?

  5. Can you tell us what you are today Susan under the vegetable was the name of it

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