
houseplantjournal: Part 2 of my tour with Jackie Tsang @homebyfaith is up! (link in profile) – Here…

Part 2 of my tour with Jackie Tsang @homebyfaith is up! (link in profile)

Here’s a reverse engineering approach to understanding light for a String of Pearls:

▪️Her string of pearls plant has been growing nicely for over a year.
▪️She waters it only when the soil is completely dry (lifting the pot to check that it feels very light)
▪️She bottom-waters it, meaning she puts the pot into a pool of water so that the soil soaks up moisture through the drainage holes – the soil reaches full saturation.
▪️Several vines have reached over a foot long (they started just barely trailing over the pot) and she has propagated many others.

Reverse Engineering
▪️Given this satisfactory growth, what light situation was capable of producing this result?

#WhatMyPlantSees Analysis
▪️View of the sky: approximately a third of the total dome surrounding the plant from its exact location.
▪️View of the sun: throughout the year, on a clear day, this plant would see 3-5 hours of direct sun.
#houseplantjournal #houseplants #plants #stringofpearls #light #chasinglight #lightanalysis #science #engineering #reverseengineering #plantlife #youtubechannel #succulents #plantcare #plantobsession #plantparenthood #greenthumb


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