Backyard Garden

Did We Find ANCIENT RUINS?!…UNEARTHING A PATIO that was COMPLETELY BURIED! …and no,,,we did not

Video 3 has arrived! This patio was by far the most difficult section of this project to date…there’s poison ivy spread around almost everywhere, making it very difficult to save any existing plants…we do fully intend on going back through in the spring and landscaping the entire yard, but for this season we’re hoping to just get all of the poisonous stuff out and clear the space. Thank you all so much for continuing to watch our videos! There is SO MUCH LAWN left to show you… Stay Tuned!


  1. This was Amazing. I'm the one that complained about your last video being too fast. This one was wonderful. Thank you for letting us see your work, along with the rolling of the carpeted overgrowth (back breaker) and for sharing this incredible ancient patio reveal. 👍👍👍

  2. Oh my goodness, jungle it was, Great 👍 job. Now you need to pressure wash n it will look Beautiful. Blessings to you and your family stay safe and well 😊

  3. I’m no prognosticator, but I see many epsom salt baths in your future.😅 Most people start a new endeavor like this by paddling around in the shallow end. Not all y’all, you dove straight in to the deep end. What a project…and what fantastic results. And, let me just say, how lovely of you, your wife, brother and nephews to do this for your father. As a senior citizen and 100% disabled veteran, I can attest to how nice it is to have children and family who will pitch in to make my life simpler. I’m certain your father feels that way too. It feels like love! Also, I love the idea of a live show. Here is my idea for the live show, just an idea mind you, but, I would love to see you take an evening in the early fall after the project is complete and the temperature is cooler to outfit the patio with furniture, invite family, your dad’s friends and neighbors to an outing on the patio. You could talk about the project, what went well, what you would do different, what future plans you have for new projects, etc. Lastly, for being new to YouTube, your videography is quite nice. Great job y’all!

  4. If there's poison ivy, which I can't actually make out any from the video, why are your arms exposed? Maybe you're not as allergic as I am.

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