
houseplantjournal: My Thai Constellation latest leaf: 5 fenestrations! The last two leaves only had…

My Thai Constellation latest leaf: 5 fenestrations! The last two leaves only had 2 each.

2️⃣ The growing location of the plant: right up against the window behind a photography diffusion panel, which weakens the direct afternoon sun.

How I think about light: my general formula is “view of the sky” should be as wide as possible and “hours of direct sun” should be whatever is tolerable (but in the case of cacti/succulents, preferred). When you think about light, are you only thinking about the sun? While natural light *originates* from the sun, the *light* is reflected and diffused all around.

Note: Leaf blemishes caused by thrips infestation. It’s under control. Almost eradicated.
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