Front Yard Garden

July Front Garden Tour! :: My Last Front Garden Tour in This Garden! 🥲

Welcome Gardeners! Come join me for the final front garden tour in this garden. This is the garden where I experimented, failed, learned, succeeded, cried, laughed and spent so many wonderful hours. I will miss this garden and I thank all of you for giving me the opportunity to share a space I love so much. 💗 Enjoy!

“If I had a flower for every time I thought of you… I could walk through my garden forever.” -Tennyson

🌸 My Merchandise Shop!:

🌸 My Amazon Store: Check out more of my favorite gardening supplies:

————M Y L I N K S————

E M A I L:
I N S T A G R A M:
W E B S I T E:
M E R C H A N D I S E:

————B R A N D S I W O R K W I T H————

🌸 Proven Winners:

———— A D D R E S S ————

Dig, Plant, Water, Repeat
417 Mace Blvd Ste J # 238
Davis, CA 95618

————F T C D I S C L A I M E R ————

This video is not sponsored, however some plants and equipment that I use in my garden have been provided to me to try out!

Amazon Associate: Some links are commissioned. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases! Thank you all so much for supporting me!

#zone9b, #gardening, #californiagardening


  1. Hi Janey, your garden is so lovely!
    While you’re taking cuttings of the clematis you should also take cuttings of the star jasmine your girls got you. I’ve grown a bunch from cuttings. Granted I’m in a different zone to you but that shouldn’t matter to the extent that it won’t work.
    Can’t wait to watch your new garden develop 😊

  2. Lovely! The garden is filled with your heart and soul. I once heard the saying that ‘Gardening…part obsession part therapy!’ I think it’s so true! Can’t wait to see your new ‘canvas’😍

  3. Witchita Blue Juniper is my all time favorite in your garden. I’m going to miss this garden but I’m excited for what you’ll bring to us from your new garden.

  4. What a thing of beauty you've created, Janey. The first time I happened to go down your street last year and see your garden, I was like, WHOA!!! And ever after that, my husband and I would say, "Let's drive home by that garden." You have brought delight to us every time. And I know what you are going through in trying to decide what to leave behind for the new owners and what to take. When we moved, I made the hard decision to leave a lot of our potted plants behind because not only were they so big, but also, I couldn't bring myself to kill the plants in order to keep the pots. I thought that how we had constructed our mostly container garden was perfect for the space and that's where they all belonged. It helped knowing that one of the new owners was into gardening. Your new owners are lucky to have the gifts you are leaving behind. Onto the next chapter!

  5. Thank you as always for being so inspiring! I’m excited to watch your garden grow at your new home! I’ve learned so much from you and look forward to learning more 🥰.

  6. You should be so proud of everything that you have accomplished! The garden is literally one of your babies so it is so understandable that it is bittersweet.

  7. I know this feeling. I left my garden of TWENTY YEARS behind… last December. I took a few things but left behind so much along with my greenhouse. I cried and cried.

    But I moved on to my new garden that’s on almost 7 acres when I was on less than acre before! My clean slate (well it was a clean slate but I started planting the day after closing 😆)… is a dream for this home gardener.

    Bigger and better things ahead for you!

  8. Janey, thank you for all that you do! We are still with you as you create another amazing garden in your new home!😊

  9. I’m gonna miss the front swoop! I bet your neighbors are going to miss you too! ❤

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