Backyard Garden

Inspiring Woman Growing a Huge Amount of Food in Her City Permaculture Garden

The Plummery is a suburban home where a tiny urban permaculture garden measuring only 100sq/m (1076 sq feet) produces over 400kg/900 pounds of food year-round.

Kat Lavers describes her approach to gardening, including vertical and biointensive growing, and how important it is – and possible! – for city dwellers to be food resilient in the face of natural, financial and social crises. We were very inspired by how little day-to-day effort goes into creating such an abundance of food!

** More about Kat Lavers and The Plummery **

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Thanks to our lovely supporters on Patreon who helped make this film happen!
Alex Muir, Angelika Smales, Barbara Clark, Brent Hefley, Brett Davidson, Cathie & Pete Martyn, Cicely Jette Stewart, Curt B, Dave Webb, David, Denise Bijoux, Dominik Haas, Geoffrey Torkington, Jess O’Shea, Luna Moon, Mariano Aran, Mehron Kugler, Moana Kiff, Namaste Foundation, Pierre Blom, Rahul Banerjee, Rex and Jo, Ron Hastie, Ryan, Sankar Madhavan, Sustainance Picton, Pike, Tiitus Laine, Tony Schaufelberger, William B Everett, & Yolanda Charles.


  1. The release of this video marks Happen Films' 4th birthday! It's crazy to think we've been doing this for four years already. We're incredibly grateful for all of your support over that time, whether by leaving comments, sharing our films with friends, supporting us financially or just enjoying our work. We're excited to keep sharing these stories with you!

  2. Admirable, although I think it's too bad you choose to eat animals and animal products. My personal belief is that humans do not have domain over animals and have no right to eat them just because we can. Nutritionally, it's absolutely unnecessary. I haven't eaten any in 40 years and am healthier and more fit than anyone else my age (67) that I know. Ecologically, it's pretty much inexcuseable, as I would think you'd be aware of given how much you've taken the time to research sustainable living. So while I admire a lot of what you're doing, I think you're probably rationalizing when it comes to raising and killing innocent animals in order to fulfill some kind of false belief you were raised to act out. Maybe as time goes on your views will evolve, and, if not, you're still doing a lot more toward helping the community and planet than most people.

  3. The problem in the States is that so many cities and towns have ordinances that prohibit growing food gardens. I think it is a beautiful thing to see food gardens. I have been growing food for 40 years and my neighbors and their friends comment about how lovely the gardens are. I love my morning tea in my garden. I feel most relaxed when I am there.

  4. I found this: "The Carolina Permaculture Farm" which seems to have a similar landscape while searching for the Permaculture Farm and was wondering if it is close to your place?

  5. Happy to watch this 🎥 Good hobbies, businesses if organic ways much better
    Love to visit there when travel to Australia.Thanks

  6. I offered my neighbor vegetables from my garden, he told me his family doesn't like vegetables.

  7. you could just not consume products from animals if you are genuinely concerned about ethics/the wellbeing of the animals

  8. Back to Watch this Classic Video Again ! 😁😁🤗 This production reminds me a little bit of the visit of Geoff Lawton to the small New Jersey Paradise Lot home of Eric Toensmeier 🙂

  9. You will get more from a small well tended garden than from a larger garden that will get away from your care.

  10. Even though this is 4 years old, I just saw this. So inspiring. If she can do that in 200m2 I should be able to achieve more in my 2000m2! Its Friday night, I am revved up for the weekend!!

  11. Wish this was possible where i live……. nowhere near as much sunshine or warm tho

  12. If you got a window u can do this at a smaller scale start with tomatoes it's easy and simple in the spring time

  13. Imagen if we all had the passion to care like she does ❤❤ lets star with one square meter, love it, sooooo inspirational !!!!!

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