Gardening Supplies

10 Things You Should be Doing NOW to Prepare for Gardening Season

Are you itching to get started on your garden? There are 10 things we are doing RIGHT NOW to prepare for the upcoming gardening season! It’s going to be here before we know it, so let’s get going!

Welcome to This Ohio Farmhouse!

I’m Jenna, a homeschooling & homesteading mom of 6! I’m passionate about capturing the beauty of the small things while growing our own food, creating a personalized home and living a simple and natural life.

I’m so excited to have you here! I hope that you find encouragement and inspiration as together we learn to appreciate the small, yet sometimes challenging, things that God has set before us.

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MIgardener: 10% off your order use code: OHIOFARMHOUSE

Please note that some of the links above are affiliate links which means no additional cost to you but I will earn a commission if you decide to make a purchase after clicking through the links. – Jenna



  1. All good advice for people to follow. We have done this for years …… And with the cost of food rising there will probably be more gardens put in this year so this will be helpful information for all

  2. Useful advice. Writing things down is key. As time goes on, can refer back. I keep score of plant productivity, thus what to grow in future, often linked to weather conditions in the past to now. Checking soil acidity, as you mentioned is important too. Good advice for starters, 👍

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