Gardening Trends

4,000,000 Subscriber Live Garden Special (Q+A)

Thank you my friends! We made it to 4 million subs on Pro Home Cooks and celebrate I’ll be going live tmr at 1:00pm eastern to cook up some fresh produce from the garden. I have a few general ideas on what I want to make but join the live stream to influence the dish. The stream will stay on YouTube if you can’t make it live.


  1. Congratulations ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰, I am a chef as well and what I do with the summer garden is cook bacon and any fresh vegetables from the garden in a frying pan including red and green tomatoes, potatoes etc. rough chop and serve with crusty bread.

  2. Glad to be one of the 4,000,000! Been watching since several kitchens ago! I love the techniques and non recipes!! Iโ€™m also an avid gardener, so Iโ€™m loving seeing your garden! Keep up the great work! Congratulations! But I donthink everything is better with onions and garlic, and your onions are beautiful. I pray for your continued success

  3. Ok, where's the lobster tail mushroom soup with broccolini sum duck in sum humanely raised grass fed beef bone broth…..? Got oak wood and some shade? Grow mushrooms!!!

  4. There's no energy kick from B12 vitamin, it's not how it works.
    And 4M subscribers AND 39 comments after 5h, guess who bought around 3.8M fake subscribers…

  5. That so nice time for you that getting 4M subs, I really love your videos and learn from what you styles in cooking ways. Thanks,. Best wish 10M subs soon.

  6. Love the channel, congratulations! Re. Eggplant, have you ever tried Casper Eggplants? They are white, delicates, and very easy to cook.

  7. 4million subs, 55 comments, 1000< likes, no josh. Chasing paper to no end. What a disgrace. Only HARD work will set you free.

  8. Cucumber beetles carry a virus that stops a lot of cucumber plant types from moving water around (killing them slowly). I've somewhat given up on growing them.

    Squash and zucchini are fine though.

  9. PLEASE do a video on how best to cook the cheapest cuts of meat! (I swear I wasn't the one who asked that question, I just think it's a great one and relevant to my life right now!)

  10. Rabbits are INSANE this season. Japanese painted ferns, thick hosta, everything.

    I put 8×12 Organza bags over my tomatoes. It does help 'deter' squirrel, chipmunk, raccoon etc from eating.

  11. I'm so happy I made the best decisions by having a good investment, Recently I'm able to acquire my third house even as a father having 4 kids and my wife is late, I just believe if things keep going well for me I would retire early.

  12. I'm not even joking, content like this is so valuable. It's so honest and informative while at the same time being so damn relatable. I love food content creators but seeing them actually cooking in real time makes it so much more personal. Imo this puts new homecooks at ease because they can watch you improvise and stay calm. Dont get me wrong I like your vids with all the graphics and editIng involved but this can be really refreshing.

  13. Base spices: (for average cook) Garlic powder( not garlic salt), onion powder, whole black peppercorns (for pickling), mixed peppercorns, Italian seasoning, oregano, 2 different BBQ sauces (I use a mustard based and hickory or brown sugar), soy sauce, Worcestershire, chili powder, smoked paprika, ground sage, 2 different salts ( I use sea salt for taste & kosher salt for cooking and finishing), 2 vinegars (distilled & red wine for me but sometimes apple cedar)

  14. Doesn't your wife cook? You go to work and have to make all the meals too? I have viewed your videos where you share your day in the life and it feels you are taking care of your children, and wife, it is on your shoulders. You are amazing young man; your wife is lucky! Love your videos and meal prep ideas.

  15. On the topic of carbs, a lot of the anti-carb fad is just because of diet companies taking advantage of people's insecurities and fat shaming them. A lot of people seriously misunderstand how nutrition actually works thanks to diet culture. We actually need carbs! We need a variety of different foods, and just cutting stuff out, unless it's necessary due to allergies and stuff, isnโ€™t a good idea. (Also keto is such a bad diet for most people, it was created specifically for people with medical conditions like epilepsy and should not be considered a regular diet that anyone can do for weight loss or whatever.)

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