Edible Gardening

There were no trees on my Philadelphia block…

Here’s how we got a new native street tree as residents of Philadelphia! You can request trees through the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society’s Tree Tenders program if your neighborhood has a Tree Tenders group.
Urban trees bring many benefits including more shade, cooler temperatures, more wildlife, cleaner air, and cleaner water. You can do your part by planting a native tree in your city, or by volunteering with your city’s environmental conservation organizations.
#trees #tree #city #philly #philadelphia #urbanforest #urbanforestry #nativeplants #nativetrees #plantnative #amelanchier #laevis #urbantrees #citytrees #serviceberry #flowers #garden
Follow me on TikTok and Instagram for more trees, plants and nature!
LinkTree – https://linktr.ee/AndrewConboy


  1. This is the best, next try to get the homeless home; heard there are a lot in there. God be with you.

  2. assholes buy trees for their block and then sell/move and leave others with the problems. if you are buying a tree for your sidewalk, they should make you sign a 30 year commitment to caring for the tree. otherwise you are just an asshole trying to increase your property value 😀

  3. It's a nice idea but the tree will probably die because most dog walkers are irresponsible and will allow the animals to urinate on the tree. Dog urine kills plant material.

  4. So, the people using wheelchairs and mobility scooters don't share your enthusiasm.

  5. Skip 20 years ahead when that things root start ripping up the concrete and destroying an otherwise perfectly good sidewalk, then account for the ground maintenance costs, what a waste of time and effort

  6. That's cool! Hopefully the trees crown doesn't cover up the soil preventing it from getting rain water. But if it does you can just water it manually.

  7. You should have done the heavy work yourself since your the one that wanted the tree don’t be lazy and expect everyone else to do your work

  8. Thats whats bothering you in a city like Phily? You use tax payers money to plant trees meanwhile tens of thousands of homeless drug addicted zombies roaming the streets. That is your main concern? You feel like thats how the money should be spent??? Good lord some people are just too dumb….

  9. When I was a kid, our urban streets were lined with oaks and maples. 60 years later, trees gone and replaced with asphalt and over the curb parked cars.

  10. The council put one on our street, in front (and blocking the side) of our driveway. Its roots also blocked the street drainage from our building……but the tree is looking good years later despite the cluelessness of the council. 

    I'm glad I moved out though, the driveway was hard to get out of even when the tree was small …..and the concrete slab our rental building was sitting on has mow been compromised by the lack of drainage where the building is now being held up by a construction frame after sinking and cracking (I'd love to be a fly on the wall at the court when the owner sues the council as the building looks worse every time I drive past and will likely end up demolished).

  11. That's really cool, but one thing I've heard. You need to have more room for the tree to grow.

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