Edible Gardening

SPACE SAVING Cut flowers that multitask as herbs in the garden!

Do you have limited space, or want to grow things that can serve as both cut flowers and also edible herbs? Today’s video is for you! We’ll walk around the field and take a look at a few of my favorite cutting flowers that we also use for their herbal properties!

We’ll show you our oregano (three types!), bee balm, anise hyssop, chamomile, and more in this video–so come on down to the farm with us and take some notes on what you’d like to grow!

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  1. I want to add that bees love, love, love oregano flowers! Mine grows like weeds in my garden but I don't mind because they attract so many bees.

  2. Thank you for sharing. I love that you are so willing to pass along your knowledge. Its a blessing to have you as a resource for all things cut flower. Thanks!

  3. I'll have to try your recommendations next season, especially hyssop! Side note:I really like bee balm (monarda). I saw it at home depot last year in a magenta color and it was so pretty! I just got a 2nd one this season (soft pink) to add to my pollinator flower bed. TBH, I see more bumbles playing in my zinnias but maybe that's because I have so many of them and not enough bee balm (yet). Yous look massive compared to mine and they're beautiful!

  4. I do grow Dill, so I choose not to grow Fennel because I’ve read that Dill & Fennel can…what’s the word…crossbreed?

  5. Thank you for sharing this information… and for mentioning that oregano creeps the first year. I couldn’t figure out why my oregano wasn’t growing tall. 😉 I’m looking forward to seeing how tall it is next year.

  6. Oregano is hands down my favorite filler! You should try 'Hopleys Purple' it's so tall and beautiful and lasts forever in the field and vase.

  7. I've found yesterday about your channel, so inspiring ❤! Thank you so much for sharing all the knowledge 😊 . Love your farm and everything in it 🌻

  8. Do you have any experience with European Vervain? I've been thinking of adding it to my garden but I'm not sure if it can become invasive.

  9. Do you have mosquito problems in your area? I'm jealous of you wearing short sleeves in the garden. I'd be covered in bites. Do you use spray? Would you do a video on what you do/use to keep mosquitos at bay?

  10. Perfect timing as I'm thinking of adding more herbs & perennials to my cut flower garden next year. Kent Beauty Oregano is my absolute favorite and makes a wonderful "spiller" in a container! We have one that I planted in our tall raised bed 3 years ago and has come back strong & glorious every year, spilling in the most beautiful way over the edge of the container. I loved it so much that I used its color palette as inspiration for our home's exterior.

  11. I have a three year old patch of mint planted in the ground and it’s maybe 2ft in diameter. I pull up the runners every spring (I do this with my bee balm and oregano as well, to keep them in check). I haven’t found the mint to be as problematic as I expected. Maybe I’m lucky in that my soil is loose enough that pulling up runners is easy? They stay on the surface, unlike milkweed or raspberries.

  12. Super interesting! I made lavender simple syrup to give as Christmas gifts last year, so some of these will definitely make it onto my garden plan for next year

  13. I want to plant flower in our 8 acres of land in india and we are opening a showroom in a prime location in india and i wanted to open florist shop where i plan to sell bouquet and also online but i don't know how to sell that much flowers or bouquet

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