Front Yard Garden

3 Clever Ways to GROW MORE in a Small Space

Growing food in the city means you really need to understand how to maximize growing space. I share 3 tips for you to grow more in a small space. Whether your doing edible landscaping front yard style or growing food on a balcony these techniques will show you how to grow more plants in less space. I will also be doing a giveaway for my favorite tower garden, the greenstalk planter, which is an easy entry into vertical gardening at home. This is your go to lesson in small space gardening for beginners.

_______________________________ 🌱 Buy Greenstalk Planter 🌱___________________________
My favorite soil based vertical garden. Use code “urbanharvest” for $10 off your purchase:

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00:00 Grow more in a small space
00:16 growing food in the city
00:48 how to maximize growing space
01:19 frontyard garden for beginners
01:42 growing food on a balcony
02:00 growing food in shade
02:40 edible landscaping
03:08 how to grow more plants in less space
04:28 vertical gardening ideas at home
05:22 small space container vegetable garden
05:57 tower garden
06:10 greenstalk planter giveaway


  1. Thanks for these great ideas! I'm mostly stacking a bunch of grow bags an 10gal pots around our front entry to grow some of our own veg.

  2. I am recommending Dr. Odion's herbal remedies here for the benefit of those who are suffering from STDs and other diseases because I was cured of genital herpes with the help of the herbal medicine I ordered from Dr. Odion on YouTube .🌿💯🙌🏻

  3. I live on the third floor of a condo with nothing but a balcony to work with, but I’m gonna give it a shot!

  4. Just incase you want to try, I take the root ends off of celery and onions and root them in clean water with a little cinnamon to keep knots put and when rooted I plant them in clean of plastic tape cardboards boxes from Amazon, Walmart and wherever by putting a plastic bag around the outside to keep from falling apart and when I need to plant in ground I make a hole slide the box out of the bag and into the hole then the cardboard breaks down in time to compost …. If you don’t have ground to plant them in they grow well in the boxes …recycling shredded paper makes a good ground cover for these bags also. Plastic pop bottles with the cap off and pin holes around the bottom make great waterers especially if you need to be away from your garden a few days. Just place them around the top of the planter and the water will soak in if you don’t want to have them buried in the soil at all.

  5. Thanks for the tips!……Growing a little here on my property in S.Florida……Started the back to Eden garden method a couple years ago & it seems to be working for me.

  6. Thank you for telling me it’s ok to use the front yard! I was thinking last summer in the seed club you sent us okra seeds. It was such a pretty plant I was thinking of planting some out by my mailbox!

  7. I knew a Pastor that hosted a Pastor from Haiti for a week. At the end he asked his opinion about what he saw. He said he was surprised by the amount of time and money we spend on yards that produce no food.
    Everything I plant should be edible 😁

  8. I've grown cucumbers, tomatoes and peppers in containers for yrs., The positives are less, insects , less physical work and less weeding.

  9. I need advice to safely keep my friendly stray cats and other small animals from my containers and raised beds, please. I don’t want them to destroy my garden or get injured. Thanks!

  10. As you know, I've followed you for a long time. This is such a great vid of advice for all of us. Thanks for all you do to help the community of growers in central Florida and beyond.

  11. Finding you has been a game changer! I am from the North gardening is much different. I am sure I missed the give away! But wanted you to know I appreciate all you do especially having little ones. I am raising 3 grandchildren (boys) from 9-14! They eat a lot being on a fixed income & the idea of a food shortage we are trying to grow what we can! That is in between baseball & football camp will start soon.
    I am rabbling love your videos! Thanks for sharing your knowledge!

  12. Nice tips,very good presentation 👌🏿👍 and your new subscriber here 😊🤝🤝🌿. There's a lot to learn from you although i myself do a lot of gardening, please visit me too.

  13. Wish I'd found ur channel sooner! On the Space Coast of FL trying to figure my veggies out…I love my Greenstalk but DERN, missed UR GIVEAWAY W improved roller…looks like a double lazy susan…going to incorporate LEGUMES/ Beans for nitrogen for sure💚🌾🥒🌾💚🌻

  14. Very well done. The garden especially but the video was well put together and the description is great! Loved that you broke down where everything is at in the video.

  15. Your video is great. I am very encouraged and inspired. How can i get this green stock planter. I am in Kenya.

  16. I've been waiting to move into my own place to start really planting/farming but thank you
    I am going to start my pots for gardening now

  17. I live on a golf course here in Ft Meyers,so I have use my lanai area in containers. Thanks for sharing 😊 I would live to see a container vid.

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