Gardening Supplies

Exclusive Varieties for Fall Garden Planning!

Welcome to Homegrown Florida! In this exciting video, join me as I walk you through my carefully crafted fall garden plan, featuring a diverse selection of veggies, flowers, and herbs. Get ready for some gardening inspiration! ๐ŸŒฑ๐ŸŒผ๐ŸŒฟ

First, I’ll take you on a tour of my raised bed and Greenstalk plans. You’ll see how I’ve optimized my space to maximize productivity and create a thriving garden sanctuary. ๐ŸŒฟ๐ŸŒฑ

Next, get ready to dive into the world of exclusive varieties as I unveil the seeds I’ll be planting this fall. From heirloom vegetables to unique flower species, I’ve handpicked a range of exciting options to tantalize your gardening senses. ๐ŸŒพ๐ŸŒธ๐ŸŒฟ

But wait, there’s more! Don’t miss the chance to grab my Homegrown Florida Garden Planner eBook, available for FREE! This invaluable resource will guide you through planning and organizing your own garden, helping you achieve the garden of your dreams. ๐Ÿ“š๐ŸŒฑ

So, grab a cup of tea, sit back, and join me on this captivating journey through my fall garden plan. Prepare to be inspired, motivated, and armed with the knowledge to create your very own bountiful and beautiful garden. ๐ŸŒฟ๐ŸŒป

Brand New FREE Garden Planner eBook

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๐ŸŒด Hernando County, Florida
๐ŸŒฑ Zone 9A

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๐Ÿ“ฎ 4142 Mariner Blvd, #232 Spring Hill, Florida 34609 – 2468



  1. If you donโ€™t like spicy radish maybe you should look into icicle or daikon radish there are not as spicy

  2. Maybe, one day, they will create "variable terracing" garden beds. As an example, an 8 foot garden bed that comes in two, 4 foot sections: the height of each section can be raised or lowered by means of a lever or hand crank (like jacking up a car). That way, your tall plants don't shade out the short ones.

  3. Really good video, loved to hear what varieties work for you and the ones that you are trying. I have tried the cauliflower varieties that you mentioned and they did not worked for me, I live in the Orlando area and the only one that have worked for me is the Durgesh 41 from Baker Creek. I will be growing potatoes from seed from Botanical Interests this year to see if it works better for me than growing them from sprouted potatoes. I would like to try the Salanova lettuce this year, thanks for the video.

  4. Marigolds have really helped out, I have had to put them EVERYWHERE, but I do think the nematodes are less a problem now. I hate cilantro, it tastes like soap to me, but I love parsley, I will try it and some radishes. I want to grow some summer squash this fall and fingers crossed I can manage to do it! ๐Ÿคž

  5. I tgank you. Starting seeds this week. We don't dig up sweet potatoes until end if November. Thanksgiving dinner. So much ran here. Central Florida.

  6. Love the vid and the planner! I am also beginning to plan for a fall garden, but I always get hung up on WHEN to start things. I'm just south of Tampa, zone 9b. When do YOU start planting fall crops? My everglades maters, okra and cowpeas are going strong, but everything else has petered out. I want to try those shelling peas, and I'm gonna try brassicas.๐Ÿ˜ฌ

  7. I found that as long as they get 6 hours of sun, you shouldn't have a problem with n/s beds. Most of my beds get plenty even with tall center crops.

  8. Love it thank you โค. My radish goes to seed and the seed pods are not spicy and I really like them. Itโ€™s my first time trying them. I was surprised. I also, for the first time, planted the purple radishes that grow on a vine. I canโ€™t remember the name but it may be rattle snake radishes? Theyโ€™re also not spicy. Thank you again. Happy gardening โค

  9. Where & when do you start your seeds. Do you plant them right in the ground or start in a seed tray. Should we be starting them now? I did good, so far, this year. I flopped last fall & I want to make this year a success. Thanks again for all your help & info. Love your videos.

  10. Were did you find the wildflower pack? Thank you for this video, i love that you gave us names of what works well here, for us newbies.

  11. Wow! Petrina! So much work, and more great information!
    I will drag out my seeds and get down to the business of really narrowing down what has to be grown in the fall. But the summer garden is still going, including eggplants, sweet potatoes and tropical greens. Thai Red Roselle has proven much more resistant to aphids, and though they have not flowered yet, I think I will have enough calyxes to think about dehydrating for tea (I don't want to say 'jam' cause I don't want to jinx myself) so thats two containers that will not be available until winter. Lots to think about.
    Start with the big rocks….LOL, thanks for keeping it real.

  12. That was some video. A lot of work went into it and a lot of good information. I will have to watch it again so i can write down some of the veggies you are trying plus the ones that have worked for you. I think i will go with the peas this year also. I usually grow the pods to add to stir fries but the shelling peas sound interesting and i have a great trellis for them. The early jersey wakefield cabbage is one of my favorites. Love the shape. I will also try some of your other suggestions after i watch it again.
    Florida Gardener (Citrus County)
    Zone 9a
    Hi neighbor!

  13. I didnโ€™t think I liked radish either until I had them in France. They toasted them like potatoes and were amazing! They also sliced them like coins, spread butter on them and sprinkled with salt. Fabulous and not a bit spicy. Try these two ways before giving them away.
    Also the trombocino squash starts as a summer squash but will store all winter and turns orange like a butternut. Itโ€™s amazing
    They are 3โ€™ long!
    I still have some from a year ago that are fine

  14. Petrina,
    I love your channel. I dream of moving to Florida to garden all year so Iโ€™m making a file of all the varieties that work for you.
    You mentioned that you donโ€™t like to keep alcohol in the house because you once had a problem with it. I kind of do to. Iโ€™m great all day, but then cooking dinner is a big trigger for me. Do you have any tricks or tips if you dealt with dinner time triggers? I try to prep dinner earlier in the day to avoid that, but my schedule doesnโ€™t always allow me to do that
    Thanks so much

  15. Thank you Petrina for the extremely helpful "Garden Today" pdf planner. As a former Northern gardener Florida gardening feels like starting from scratch… everything is new!

  16. Great video. What seeds do you prefer to direct sow instead of starting them elsewhere? Sorry if you answered this in your video, my brain insists on multitasking ๐Ÿ˜‚

  17. I planted tomatoes in the spring and they did really well even through the Florida heat. It isnโ€™t producing right now but the plants are heathy. Should I leave them in and hope for a fall harvest or should I get them out and do something new?

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