Backyard Garden

Backyard Garden Harvest🌱🙏🏾 #shorts #harvest #garden

Vegetable Backyard Garden Harvest from Greentgarden..

#gardening #garden #veggies


  1. GreenT, I lost my first vertical zucchini, the stem snapped in half, we’ve had a lot of rain and maybe some wind and maybe I didn’t maintain a good attachments throughout the growth of the stalk. I had it attached at two points, and I used the green wire tie from the bottom to attach it at the top. Maybe I stressed it by not keeping a steady amount of attachments throughout the entire stalk, do you reuse wire from the bottom or keep adding new as it grows?

  2. Awesome. My zucchini is coming in but for some reason my cucumbers only have male flowers. Not sure what to do but just being patient

  3. The squash beetle got all my zucchini and yellow squash…. 😢😢😢. I only harvested about 5 and they all got infested. I started some again from seed and they are moving along …. Im going to be more dilligent with the neem oil this round

  4. You have to try costada romanesco zucchini. And suyo long cucumbers. Your harvest is beautiful! I would love to see you cutting it off the vine ❤

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