Edible Gardening

Our Permaculture Life: Sunshine Coast Edible Oasis – Morag Gamble

Morag Gamble visits the Yandina Community Gardens (Winter 2016) in the Sunshine Coast, QLD Australia and explores the abundant permaculture plants and vibrant community there. Morag will be teaching a permaculture design course there from September 2016. www.yandinacommunitygardens.org.au


  1. Hi Morag. I love your videos. I've seen one of your videos featuring an Aboriginal man talking about gardening. But that's the only time I've seen an Aboriginal person in the places you visit, your lectures, etc. Is Australia still very much segregated?

  2. Watching all these lovely videos is quite entertaining! It’s all very well to have lush gardens at the coast, but for us inland gardeners, who have to cope with temperatures between minus 7 and 50 degrees and no rain in months, it’s quite a different story.

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