Container Gardening

Grow The BEST Peppers In Containers In 5 Easy Steps

In this video, I share 5 easy steps that will help you grow the best peppers in containers of your life! Container gardening can produce incredible harvests, but it requires a complete understanding of the growing conditions. These pepper growing tips will dramatically increase pepper production and success growing peppers!

How To Make Homemade Potting Mix:
How To Overwinter Pepper Plants:

These gardening products* featured in this video can help you grow peppers better than ever:
3 Gallon Containers:
3 Gallon Containers (Injection Molded):
3 Gallon Fabric Grow Bags:
Jobe’s Organic Tomato Fertilizer (4lbs):
Jobes Bone Meal (4lb):
Alaska Fish Fertilizer:
Jack’s All Purpose 20-20-20 (1.5lb):
MiracleGro Tomato 18-18-21 (3lb):
Jack’s / JR Peters All Purpose 20-20-20 (25lb):
Grow More All Purpose 20-20-20 (25 lb):
Full Amazon Store*:

0:00 Intro To Growing Peppers In Containers
0:33 Pepper Tip #1: Container Size
2:59 Pepper Tip #2: Soil Amendments
5:47 Pepper Tip #3: Fertilizing Peppers
9:31 Pepper Tip #4: Pro Tips
11:56 Pepper Tip #5: Overwintering Peppers
14:42 Adventures With Dale

If you have any questions about how to grow peppers in containers, have questions about growing fruit trees or want to know about the things I grow in my raised bed vegetable garden and edible landscaping food forest, are looking for more gardening tips and tricks and garden hacks, have questions about vegetable gardening and organic gardening in general, or want to share some DIY and “how to” garden tips and gardening hacks of your own, please ask in the Comments below!





Miracle-Gro Soluble All Purpose Plant Food
Miracle-Gro Soluble Bloom Booster Plant Food
Miracle-Gro Soluble Tomato Plant Food
Jack’s Fertilizer, 20-20-20, 25 lb.

Southern Ag Liquid Copper Fungicide
Southern Ag Natural Pyrethrin Concentrate
Monterey Organic Spinosad Concentrate
Safer Brand Caterpillar Killer (BT Concentrate)

Cordless ULV Fogger Machine
Weed Barrier with UV Resistance
Organza Bags (Fig-size)
Organza Bags (Tomato-size)

Injection Molded Nursery Pots
Heavy Duty Plant Grow Bags
6.5 Inch Hand Pruner Pruning Shears
Japanese Pruning Saw with Blade

Double Tomato Hooks with Twine
String Trellis Tomato Support Clips
Nylon Mason Line, 500FT
Expandable Vinyl Garden Tape

Follow Me on TWITTER (@NCGardening)
Follow Me on INSTAGRAM

Location: Southeastern NC, Brunswick County (Wilmington area)
34.1°N Latitude
Zone 8A

*As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
© The Millennial Gardener

#gardening #garden #gardeningtips #containergardening #peppers


  1. If you enjoyed this video, please “Like” and share to help increase its reach! Thanks for watching 😊TIMESTAMPS for convenience:
    0:00 Intro To Growing Peppers In Containers
    0:33 Pepper Tip #1: Container Size
    2:59 Pepper Tip #2: Soil Amendments
    5:47 Pepper Tip #3: Fertilizing Peppers
    9:31 Pepper Tip #4: Pro Tips
    11:56 Pepper Tip #5: Overwintering Peppers
    14:42 Adventures With Dale

  2. Very timely video. I am having really good production from my pepper plants this year but your video has reminded me that I need to feed them. Thanks. 😎

  3. I have a question about my 4 year old pepper plants. Even though I am in southeast, North Carolina, I don’t have a sunroom. So I overwinter in my garage. I’ve noticed that the pepper plants are very root bound now. I was thinking that possibly this next spring to come, before they come out of dormancy, I would cut back the root base a little bit and re-pot in some new soil.
    What are your thoughts on this? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks 😊

  4. Not that I'm in the same zone, but my basil is loving the heat and they were direct sowed in full sun area. Think im in zone 6. One of these days I'll get my pepper seedling to not die

  5. Poor dale. Trazodone and Alprazolam combo from the vet helps. Thundershirts and deceloping the habit ofva safe space!

  6. Try putting on a loud movie, run the washing machine or dishwasher and give him a frozen kong. It helps muffle the outside noises

  7. Thanks for the video. Went out and fertilized my pepper plants after watching this. I started growing them in pots last year, protected from the cold and they are now some of my favorite plants and started a few more from seeds this year. Could you do a video about transplanting older potted pepper plants and do you do root trimming? Thanks again! I've been able to keep my fig trees alive with your help too (lots of water and mulch) Tucson, AZ

  8. I have 25 pepper plants, Hungarian Yellow Wax, Lipstick, Jimmy Nardello, Etiuda, and Corona di' Toro growing in a GreenStalk Tower (30 pockets) on a spinner base, along with five dwarf zinnias. All plants have peppers in various stages of development . I've harvested several Hungarian peppers. They will be replacing the Sweet Banana pepper plants in my garden. They are super producers. The Jimmy Nardello and Lipstick peppers are also very productive, and are starting to turn red. I will be harvesting from them very soon. Watering and fertilizing is easily done through the top reservoir, fill until water comes out the bottom, and add plant food as needed. I also have about thirty plants growing in a raised bed, Cubanelle, California Wonder, Leysa, Sweet Banana, Big Red, and Yellow Monster. All are doing well, and producing peppers. They are likewise being watered daily. It is a must in 95F temps here in Sylacauga Alabama.

  9. Just keep your thunder/ firecracker nervous animals inside while the noise is going on. We had one dog run like crazy, get lost a we finally found him about 3 miles away.

  10. Our black lab, Simon, also hides in an interior bathroom when he hears thunder 🙂 Our other two dogs don't care in the least.

  11. I want to be inspired, I really do. Our heat index has been 115° the past two weeks and I… just…can't. My pepper plants can't take it. Eggplant, thriving and still fruiting. Even keeping the indeterminate tomatoes alive just for the heck of it. But everything else can't take it either. I'm really happy for you, though!

  12. My lab barks at thunder. We have intense wildlife here so she might think it's a giant bear or something larger. It's hard for me to get her to calm down but eventually she does.

  13. All of the jalapeño plants I’ve over overwintered had no heat in the fruit the following year.
    What did I do wrong?

  14. You seriously just blew my mind with overwintering peppers. I have 9 different pepper plants and want to save the little fellas.

  15. I have to confess that sometimes I skip ahead watch Adventures With Dale first. I just can't wait till the end.

  16. One of my Yorkies is so afraid of storms! Up all night sometimes! Going to try over winter some pepper plants this year! We plant 200 plants out side for selling! Thanks for the good videos! Happy Planting !

  17. If you have mulch that’s a hassle to move it then amend the soil n put it back. And I’ve been told mulching is crucial

  18. Poor Dale. Pretty boy. You're doing the best thing for him. Let him shelter in place and tell him he's a good boy.

  19. There is a great company that has cbd pet gummies. They are called cbd gurus. They have a great assortment of pet products.

  20. I’m in northern Illinois and start my peppers indoors and do a lot of pruning before I plant them outside late May, early June and they always look so much better and much bushier when I prune vs not. I have one store bought plant that was not pruned and it sticks out like a sore thumb right now 🤣

  21. Try Bachs RESCUE REMEDY for Dale it is all natural and just a few drops on his tongue or on his ears will calm him down! Also add to his water and try to give a couple of hours before stormy weather!

  22. I love watching your videos. I had a pepper plant growing for 3 years in my hydroponics bay. I finally replaced it with lettuce but dried and kept the seeds and now they are all growing outside. I will be bringing a few of them in for winter.

  23. Here next to the Mediterranean, the winter is very warm. I am glad the pepper can be grown as perennial for years. I have a question, can the same be done to tomatoes or other veggies.
    Please a answer me
    Please 🙏

  24. I planted my peppers in an area that gets too much water I believe. The peppers are getting brown spots at the base of the fruit. I was wondering can I move it to another spot or will it be a big shock. Any other suggestions??

  25. Ask your vet about getting Dale an anti-anxiety medication to use for storms or fireworks. We often use Trazodone, given preemptively, to prevent noise anxiety in dogs, and it usually works really well! I use it in my own pups, and it really helps reduce their anxiety when it comes to loud noises 🙂

  26. I live in Michigan, and will winter some of my pepper plant this year to get an early jump start, I have a Tabasco plant I want to winter and I have 2 mamouth jalapeno`s plants, I want to try, thanks for the tips, I had no idea peppers were perennials.

  27. I have a ted pepper plant that is just chilling, with curled leaves barely growing and not producing. I've tried repotting it, fertilizer, straw, bone meal, yeast solution…😂 3ven added some worms from my bin yesterday…

  28. Thanks for all your HELPFUL Pro Tips. I am in zone 9B (Las Vegas) and my pepper plants are doing just fine in our crazy triple digits temps. I have lost a few other plants but I'm not worried because I will just get my amended soil ready for my Fall planting. I had a 40lbs bag of potting soil leftover from my planting this season. I have two peppers in 7 gallon grow bags and they are loving it. I have a few 3 gallon bags also so, I might plant more peppers in those. I love your channel and you NEVER disappoint with the helpful "Pro Tips" Be Blessed and Enjoy your Sunday. I'm Ms J from Las Vegas!

  29. Is it best to let peppers ripen on the vine or is it better to cut so the plant continue to produce?

  30. They grow well in raised beds, containers, and in-ground gardens. Plant them 18 to 24 inches apart in a sunny, well-drained spot. Pepper plants need at least 6-8 hours of sunlight per day. Mix compost or other organic matter into the soil when planting.

  31. You can get gabapentin prescribed for you pup. Ours doesn't handle storms and fireworks either. It's a medicine prescribed for humans as well but you will want a vet to get a proper dosage. Works great for our dog Roger.

  32. This is a top top video for pepper tips 👍🏻 no wonder my peppers don’t grow as fast as I want them to. Thankyou again, you are the king of container gardening ❤

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