Edible Gardening

Reaping the Rewards of Making a Garden

Our garden is just now beginning to come in. So exciting and tasty to eat from the bounty growing in our own backyard here in the mountains of Appalachia πŸ˜€

Robbie Lynn’s Bread Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=56caaMk6nis

Miss Cindy’s Bread Machine Recipe: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=93eoHP8uoZA

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Celebrating Appalachia
PO Box 83
Brasstown, NC 28902

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Find The Pressley Girls music here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0o2n1IkGL93VmbTtVrtbsg

Find Blind Pig and the Acorn music here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-qASEdDmIEW_q02Og1nStw

Buy my family’s music here: https://www.etsy.com/shop/BlindPigAndTheAcorn and here: https://www.etsy.com/ThePressleyGirls/listing/568026603/the-pressley-girls-when-it-ends-in-a

Buy Chitter’s jewelry here: https://www.etsy.com/shop/StameyCreekCreations

#CelebratingAppalachia #makingagarden #growingfood


  1. I literally hate Japanese beetles and I literally troll my garden for them twice daily and smash every one I can get. And the bean bugs and the squash bugs! Deer have destroyed every garden in this holler except mine. Thank you Lord! I forgot the name of the popsickles! God bless y'all!

  2. I was thinking Matt is getting a farmers tan
    Harvested enough rainbow swiss chard for one. Sauted with garlic, dressed with a pinch of πŸ‹. First time growing and eating it. I will continue
    Found cucumbers in both gardens. Ate one right after being picked
    Yummy❀ so much fun sharing garden updates
    We have had really a run of hot days
    Dry but have had a couple days/ nights of good rain.

  3. I just had to say "Hi" and "Thank you!" I just got the book, "Celebrating Southern Appalachian Food" delivered today and I'm thrilled with it! I'm a long-time viewer but first-time poster and I can't tell you how much I have learned from you! I'm a retired Army officer, and I hope to be relocating to a much more rural (and sane) spot just as soon as I find the kind of spot I'm looking for. In the mean time, a HUGE THANK YOU! De Opresso Liber! Warmest Regards!

  4. I love when Matt's always saying it's gonna be sweltering hot for 4 months straight! I also am not a fan of hot humidity! I embrace Fall every year❀ I watch you each evening. The outdoors are so soothing to the soul. Prayers for happy days ahead.

  5. It's nice seeing this expanded view of your property. You have a lovely homestead. Even a tomato with bad spots is better than the supermarket! We planted blueberries for the first time this year. Don't expect much of a harvest. We're just hoping they thrive! Now retired, I was a teacher for most of my life. The garden was always ready for harvest just as we went back to school. Now September is a joy!

  6. Yay for a productive garden! Enjoy! I looked for those popsicles at our grocery store, but they were $6.99 for a small box. I'll wait for when they go on sale.

  7. Tipper, that hat suits you. The brim is becoming.

    When I was little, our neighbor had a persimmon tree. I had never had persimmons, so I was asking him what it was. I guess he thought I was showing too much interest and might snitch some, so acting all nice, he picked one and gave it to me to eat right then. Whoo-eee! I didn't think my mouth was ever going to come un-puckered. He wasn't a very nice man. πŸ˜„ I've been mistrustful of persimmons ever since, though I like them well enough once they're baked into bread or cookies. πŸ˜€

  8. Ya know, this is the second or third time I've watched one of your yard conversations at the end of yard work, and you've mentioned that you've heard wood cracking behind you in the woods. I said it then, and I'll say it again, I think you have Bigfoot visiting your neck of the woods… Just saying.

  9. Awww! I loved that Matt gave You a Hug there at the End. You Both are Such a Blessing to watch & listen to.. You make Me feel 😊 HAPPY when All in My life health wise & other situations seem so Overwhelming. Love All the things You Share…I would Love to see Elderberries*& Service Berries and if you would be able to show anything with the Elderberry it would be interesting to Me. Those are 2 things we never dealt with when I was younger. Definitely DON'T EVEN TASTE A PERSMISSON before it's Ripe! Pucker Power πŸ˜‚ God Bless You & Matt & All of the Family.

  10. You are so blessed with your beautiful place that you live in. So peaceful to be able to sit there and listen to the birds, with the paradise you created with God's blessing. Wonderful girls, raised by wonderful people. And some dynamite popsicles! 😊😊😊
    God bless all here.

  11. I would love to see what you guys are watching during the video. I enjoy spinach egg salad sandwiches with baby spinach it’s the best . Love the chats ❀

  12. Matt, I’m so happy that you have more time for fishing. I hope that you are doing well. You seem stoic so it’s hard to know how you are feeling.
    Tipper, I love hush puppies but don’t want to stand over a pot of hot grease so I make that great Appalachian classic β€œ hush puppy cornbread”.

  13. Thank you for your videos. My heart is so happy right now. Blessings to you from Arkansas. I grew up in Southwestern Virginia.

  14. You two belong together that is for sure. I think you have a lot of respect for one another and that is great. God bless you both and family.

  15. I love listening to different birds singing in your videos. Could you mention what they are? I'm from Illinois and don't recognize them. God bless you.

  16. Please remember to pick every cucumber before they turn yellow because that will stop their growth and the plant will die xo

  17. Even the hottest pepper is good if you roast it.
    When you cut the pepper be extra sure not to cut or even disturb the seeds (that's where the "hot" is).
    Lay thick long strips on a flat cookie sheet and broil the peppers til they get brown. Then flip em over and roast the other side. Watch em real close. It doesn't take long to brown em. You might kinda shake the pan a little bit as they broil.
    Once roasted use them in salads, spaghetti sauce, taco sauce, or canned salsa. Yum !
    You can do bell peppers this way, too. It makes them taste so good.

  18. Way back when i was in my 20's I learned about making zucchini milk.
    I had so much zucchini coming in and didn't know what to do with it all.
    My "Deaf Smith" cookbook said to peel the zucchini, cut it up in big chunks, then puree it in the blender. What you get is called zucchini milk. It really doesn't have much of a flavor but it works in any recipe that calls for milk…pancakes, biscuits, cakes, just anything. It makes the food moist and tasty.
    I made up great big batches, poured it in quart or half gallon freezer bags and put it in the freezer. It'd last me thru late winter.

  19. I have a gardening question. I have a zucchini plant that looks good and has fruit growing, but two of the bottom leaves are shrivled and basically turning over. Any ideas what is happening or what to do?

  20. Those mystery tomatoes do look like the pink bumblebee from Bakers Creek- I like them pretty good and they were the only ones that didnt crack when we had a streak of wet weather.

    These videos are my favorites, I love to see whats growing in your garden! πŸ’š

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