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Monsters That Have Been Spotted in Real Life

15 Monsters That Have Been spotted In Real Life. Get ready to delve into the world of real-life monsters as we unveil 15 astonishing sightings that have sent chills down the spines of eyewitnesses. From the enigmatic Cave of Altamira, where a towering beast serpent emerged, to the startling reports of dinosaurs roaming the streets of Jacksonville, these encounters defy belief. Join us as we present 15 Monsters That Have Been spotted In Real Life.

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Check out these videos:

Monsters That Have Been Spotted in Real Life

Top 10 Monster Attacks Caught On Camera And Spotted In Real Life


  1. I believe there are creatures we dont know about especially in the ocean's. Then all the experiments the governments of this world have done. No telling what is out there.

  2. 3:50 theres a bunch of sightings in chicago of the mothman from 2016 until 2023 by doctors, airport workers working on the runway, kids, and gangsters in the hood

  3. Well they are right! That says what you need to know. They/NAZA,Linked agencies were e plowing the 9ceans of tge world, saw something, and abruptly stopped, snd changed their intention to getting off earth ! Witnesstge north of NASA, Space exploration.
    Could it be that their really are mega monsters in the depths? Megladon, the real Jaws, or the Crakin, behemoth,?? Just asking and waiting for the answers !

  4. you didnt cover the hatman monster seen by hundreds of thousands of people around the world including me

  5. Big foot isn't real and I see two of them plus we have been washing them for awhile now and they are especially adapted to the wilderness and the other animals are scared of them and we see one trhow a big rock to a deer and killed instantly they're super strong fast and they stink like nature but strong odor

  6. My cousin came face to face with a skunk ape in Florida. The only thing separating them was a small fence. He said it smelled really bad

  7. there has never been any mentions of a dinosaur here in Jacksonville, Florida. Let alone downtown. so that dinosaur video is a hoax. it was merely trying to promote the dinosaur exhibit at the zoo

  8. There have been people born with gigantism. Who have grown to undeliverable heights… So I don't see why animals may not suffer from this sometimes as well… It could be the explanation for this.

  9. Man these videos are very obvious. I’m not sure if your trying to have a serious channel that actually looks into this stuff or just finds the most ridiculous videos that are obvious for clicks.


  11. So a camera man with a journalist, they could not keep the camera from going all over…yea that's a fake no doubt

  12. They have 3d projection capability from satellites. I've seen it, in broad day light, a dark cloud god like face, smiling down at a lit up dragon. And I laughed. Really.

  13. Idk who would want that snake alive. They say that but I promise you they wouldn't want their loved ones becoming it's snack. I would have grabbed a gun and holy water and went to blasting that thing. That way if that beast wasn't from earth the holy water would take care of it πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  14. The Bible itself states that Satan and his demons roam the earth…. They're the monsters people are in fact seeing

  15. That Jacksonville clip of a dinosaur is fake, another less than a second shaky clip, if it was a real dinosaur they would have focused on it a lot longer.

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