Gardening Supplies

Garden Tour – End of June

Buckwheat, Calendula, Borage, Cosmos, Zinnia and even Basil are all interplanted with our vegetables. Walk with Leigh and see how adding these beautiful flowers bring in pollinators and act as trap crops and see the progress in our backyard garden.

You can still start a garden today!! Get growing now!

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Welcome to Our Backyard Garden, this channel is about growing food, eating well and growing in life. We are two city kids that now live in a suburban setting in Southern New Jersey and are learning as we grow and hope you will come along this journey with us. We will share the lessons we have learned throughout our lives and hope to inspire you to grow out in the garden and in life, process your own food eat to live and be the best stewards we can be for this planet. If this video inspires you, please consider subscribing liking and sharing.

**Disclaimer – All opinions and reviews of products are based on our experience. Any review or opinion does not guarantee the products performance or that you will have the same experience.


  1. I love your garden! Mine is a little behind schedule because I started seeds late plus this is the year to actually build the garden. All brand new boxes and landscaping is going in. It's been either too hot, too cold, or now horrible air quality. We are calling this investment year. Please share more about your potatoes. I'm growing potatoes in a bag for the first time. I also agree on the MIGardner seeds. I had raelly good germination with all the seeds from them.

  2. Impressive gardens! We just need some more hot weather for those peppers to take off.

  3. Any tips on how to stop chipmunks and squirrels from eating your leaves on your vegetables etc ?
    my Green squash has been destroyed along with my cucumbers .
    Brad from Norh Jersey😊

  4. I get so lost watching these tours that I forget that you’re in the middle of suburbia! Once again – stunningly beautiful greenery and you both are right to be proud of all the rewards after your hard labors. Lol, I think I can hear the corn growing – I can’t get over how high it has gotten in a couple of weeks! The tomatoes all look amazing, especially the Black Beauty. And the flowers…all perfect!

    Keep up the great work! And you remind me…time to water! Heading outside and then on to getting that door hung on the greenhouse/butterfly enclosure. I need to see how the temps are with the screens and a closed door.

  5. Leigh your garden is so beautiful! I can’t believe how tall everything has gotten 😮. I just love when you post a video!❤❤❤. Say hello to farmer John😊

  6. Hi Leigh! 100 deg temps here in SoCal this weekend. I busted out the shade cloth especially for my dahlias. Shelling sweet pea pods for next year. I am just now planting my corn. I hope it takes off. Watering extra on top of drip. Just curious…how long does your watering routine take when you’re not anticipating rain? Such an expansive awe inspiring garden. You and Farmer John are stellar stewards of the land. 🥬🥒🍅🫑🥕🥦

  7. Love your Garden. The flowers in the Garden are a great idea. Also, love your tomato trellis. A good trellis and there is no need to prune the lower suckers, as you show, it increases your yield tremendously. Thanks for the video.

  8. 😂that was me when I tried to keep up last year with pruning. I just do the bottoms now and for air.
    We have no honeybees. They say there was about 50% die off from pesticides, mites and environment. We had bumbles, but I don’t see them now either. We just don’t get any rain. Tonight we were just missed again by a cloud and just a spritz this morning.
    We were held up inside because of smoke for 3 days. The coon and deer are being bad actors. We had bad infestation of potato beetles which I tried to get all the eggs to prevent. I tried flour and baking soda, then horticultural oil and finally Spinosad that worked.
    We are about a couple weeks behind your location. It’s been a battle in this drought as we are about 8” behind in precipitation.
    It is nice to see how certain varieties will look as after the frost disaster I lost track of varieties.
    The one thing that baffles me is many people say they have aphids on tomatoes. This year it was my first time ever with aphids on seedlings, But never on tomatoes, geraniums or petunias. They loved the peppers, basil, celery and cumin.
    Don’t know if you caught Luke’s latest vid, but there will be a sale 7/5 and he will need to raise prices next year just a bit which I suspected would happen. He was choking on the smoke we just got rid of and said farmers costs, ect are reason for price increase. I think of a vid he did about saving seeds in case of crop failures which I will be doing.
    I was looking for your vid and wondered if you were smoked out. It was bad here—AQI 300+ for brief moment in Madison and mostly 280.
    Your garden is looking very lush!
    I was able to get out to weed a bit after being shut in and only going out briefly with a mask to check water. Seen J Beetles and Vine Borers are right on time to keep us hopping. I’m trying Spinosad on squash this year as trying to keep up with finding eggs is impossible and hope we don’t have to do surgery, but I will bury vines as a backup. Need to harvest and preserve celery tomorrow, the onions are bulbing, we have tomatoes showing up and peppers are starting to realize they need to pick it up and supports for cukes and new pole beans to do. Can’t blame the ones that got frosted, they are trying. Hope I have enough ripe at once to preserve all at once. I have so many mini nurseries going of new varieties of flowers 😂 it’s nice to see some in your garden in hopes I can recall what they are. I have great growth with MI Gardener seeds also.
    It would be cool if we could all share pics in a gallery.
    Keep up the good work!

  9. The most beautiful space! I just got back from the beach, I am sorry I was not able to watch earlier. You are AMAZING! This garden is so special!

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