Garden Plans

Councillors REACT to SHOCKING New 15-Minute City Plan (“Complete Communities”)

#fifteenminutecity #15minutecity #towncouncil #halifax
Town councillors react to a shocking new 15-minute city proposed plan for their city. Also called “complete communities.”
For the full meeting, see:
“June 20, 2023 Committee of the Whole & Regional Council”
(Halifax Regional Municipality)
#canada #municipal #novascotia #smartcities


  1. Goodbye silence, single family homes, 5 acre lots, hobby farms, summer homes, camps, chalets, motorhomes, campgrounds, public use camping, hunting, fishing, farmers markets, campfires, fireworks, BBQ, and large parties. ATVs,snowmobiling, picking of any wild, berries, mushrooms, greens,etc.
    Goodbye private farms, wood lots, wood stoves, private lumber mills, horse riding, kennels, large private gardens, christmas tree lots, lakeside properties.
    Goodbye motorsports( truck, cars, snowmobile, ATV/UTV, RC, ETC)., boats, private airfields, shooting ranges, swim holes, hiking, fresh air,
    Your car, your choice, feedom.
    Hello 15min prison, multi family housing, public transit, crime, corporate food, surveillence cameras, chainlink, barriers, graffiti, trash, checkpoints, IDs, digital money, noise, police, smells, stress, depression, suicide, concrete, asphalt, control, control, control………….

  2. Sane people are actually fleeing from urban centers to rural areas. The entire world is giving off End Times vibes….

  3. You think people aren't going to physically revolt if they try and force this crap through? France and Sweden are perfect examples. Oh and not a personal threat. This is a opinion.

  4. Eastern Canada…TOSS OUT THE LIB-NDP BS…corrupt governing, criminal misspending and general systemic inequality along with a cozy relationship with a dictatorial communist country. Wake up people when voting.

  5. What are they going to do quarter up the city. Halifax isn’t that big.
    I see what they did. They swallowed up the separate communities surrounding Halifax to get the tax money, and now they want to isolate them again, but keep the money.
    I see people being cohered into urbanization and having to give up their rural-like lands.
    Where’s the Liberal?

  6. This is simply part of the WEF plan by Klauss being totally promoted by Justine Turdope and the rest of his liberal minions. Creeping Communism……….

  7. Yeah keep your 15 minute prisons for the people who want them . Not me I will take remote living any day .

  8. Just a thought, instead of looking at these global organizations for advice on how to run our communities, maybe the city planning staff should have a discussions with the indigenous communities. I see Membertou has got it together!!! The one councillor who has been on council for the longest is right, keep doing the same things expecting different results.

  9. This sort of tyranny is going on around the western world and someone or thing are coordinating it. In the uk people are saying NO and it's having an effect on decisions being made, so people JUST SAY NO!

  10. Folks…make sure you are actually attending the meetings to voice your concerns. I will bet the meeting dates will be poorly advertised and as 1 council didn't say but did actually say..word of mouth to certain people. I'd be very leery of any 'survey' they request you fill in too.

  11. Renovating homes in rural communities and encouraging those who can work remotely or have skills urgently required in most small communities would be one of the best ways to end homelessness.

  12. I’m happy to see a lot of awake people in here. Also see a lot of comments in regards to it not being a big deal.
    You might want to dig a little deeper into the actual agenda behind this.
    SOOOO much more to all this, literally none of it has your well being in mind.
    They don’t care about you.

  13. You will own nothing and be happy, 15 minute cities, esg, cdbc, mandatory vax, eating bugs,naked paedos shouting they are coming for your kids, all a conspiracy apparently, wake up and out an end to the WEF and their Evil plans and minions.

  14. I grew.up in north end Halifax, with all the building thats happened since i left its becoming a shit hole, to many people jammed together, this sounds to me like a prison.

  15. Put the plans for 15 minute cities in the trash bin, which is where it belongs. It’s coming from the WEF and the globalist oligarchs who are attempting to corral people into cities without adequate transportation and without any consideration for the needs of people in rural communities. The green network plan is BS! People need to rise up and reject it! Nova Scotians should take the lead in future plans, not outside interests.

  16. Centuries to get us to the point where your own country, and the entire world is accessible to everyone, to lockdown, and the socialists think all is as it should be.

    I know exactly why our forefathers sacrificed their lives to protect us from oppressive governance of precisely what we are living.

  17. Leave the cities for the lefties… when they implode, we can own them all, just like Germany did to Europe.

  18. Move to the country. Nova Scotia has lot's of healthy beautiful countryside. Let HRM basque in their bike lanes.

  19. Otherwise known as prison. Digital ID, digital currency and you can't leave your yard. If you do you get thrown in jail, you can't buy food, you can't buy gas for your house or car. Use too much of anything and the gestapo knocks on your door.
    Welcome to Chinada folks.

  20. I hope everyone who votes for living in a ghetto is forced to live in that ghetto. These people who are pushing it are idealists who envision a finished product and have no idea what it takes to create their urban utopia.

  21. Imagine if Halifax roads could be fully utilized. Instead we have entire lanes empty for infrequent bus travel. Instead we have entire lanes empty for bike travel. These idiots are scratching their heads about travel efficiency when they created an extremely inefficient scenario.

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