Edible Gardening

Daily Acts: Volunteers Transform Yard Into an Edible Garden

Thirty community volunteers come together to transform their neighbor’s front yard into a lush, edible garden. Daily Acts Founder Trathen Heckman shares his thoughts on how small actions can help address big problems like climate change, water scarcity and suburban sprawl.


  1. Thank you. Inspiring. All power to your elbow, all thirty elbows! Think of all that energy out there waiting to be used. What couldn't people do, what problems couldn't we solve, if we all did things like this?

  2. I cant believe some of the sizes of yards I see, even out in country near farms or part of a farm.  Like grow garden & get a few animals or plant trees???

  3. Think this might be interesting but have no idea as I couldn't understand what he said as 'THE MUSIC' WAS SO LOUD.  What did they do ? did they grow something ?

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