
RAW Discussion about this Gardening Season| Not According to Plan

Hi! I am Barbara with Living Foods Farm. THANK YOU for coming to my channel and growing with me on my journey. I enjoy every comment, question and like. I am happy you are on the journey with us.


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Seedtime Gardening App


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P.O. Box 909
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  1. Hi Barbara. You just gave us an encouraging word on this Christ life we’re walking as well as gardening life. You thought you were talking abt. Your garden but you were speaking a God word. Things sometimes seem uphill, nothing goes as planned, the growth is not as fast or what we think it should be, no matter how hard we try. We’re hard on ourselves but GOD has a plan & is in control. The plants you bought looks fine to me but listen to your husband, as long as there is life there’s a chance for growth. You got to have patience. It’s not abt. You, it’s abt. God’s plan for you. 💖

  2. You are such an encouragement for me. You have helped me so much with your videos. I know what you are doing is from your heart. I love you for it. Many times I have wanted to give up. You have taught me so much. I am from Houston Texas 9b. The information that you share helps everybody. You are not alone. So you keep growing and harvesting🌾🌷🪻🍓🍋🍉🍐🍎🍏🥕🥒🥬🥦🫛🍅🥭🧅🫑

  3. Thanks for sharing, Barbara. Your video gave me the encouragement to keep gardening even though it looks like the critters might be winning!. My basil plants are struggling like yours. Something's eating them up! Hope I'll get enough leaves to dehydrate this year. Take care and keep gardening. I'm learning a lot from you! 💕💕

  4. Dear Barbara, as I am sure you're aware, it's not only in gardening that the Devil will cast the dust of doubt into the eye and the heart of the believer, but remember that he is a liar and the father of lies.

    I've been gardening only about fourteen years, and every season, there's a challenge, met successfully or not; every season, there is at least one failure of some sort; every season there is pest pressure to a greater or lesser degree.
    My grandfather was, in his heart and soul, a farmer and a gardener, but he and my grandmother lived out of state which gave me little opportunity to learn how to garden for food, and my parents were adamant about NOT changing the backyard landscape in any way when I wanted to try on my own, anyway when I was still a pre-teen.

    I applaud your refusal to wallow in how it should be or to wallow in anything—full stop. A great deal of unhappiness in life, it is said, is due to comparing how our life is to how we think it should be.
    You asked yourself how did you have such great success last year, and are facing so many gardening challenges this year. "The devil is always kind to beginners" is a proverb of the Scots. And then he isn't, as you're experiencing in your gardening. Perhaps that means the devil fears your success.
    Press on!

    Let me acknowledge that the sheer volume of your undertaking is mind-blowing: the size,the scope, of what you're planting and tending is enormous compared (there's that word again, but I think this time it works in your favor) to what most folks are doing their third year into gardening.
    Most of us start small, and increase the square footage and the number of crops we're planting, gradually. Bit by bit, we learn about succession planting and crop rotation and whether or not rotation is applicable and/or effective for us in whatever our gardening circumstances are; we learn about ways to dodge some of the pests and to thwart some of the pests. We learn about varieties which will do best in our growing conditions.
    But my goodness, you've plunged into the deep end of the pool in your gardening, and you do have other irons in your daily life's fire!

    Thank you for this video. You have encouraged me in a deeply personal matter (not related at all to gardening) with which I'm dealing right now, and I am very grateful for that encouragement.

  5. Barbara, you're an inspiration to all of us who are struggling this year. As you always say—it's a "journey" and sometimes the road gets a bit rocky and bumpy along the path, but seeing you struggle and persist, makes me more willing to stick with it and to be thankful for even small victories. Listen, if you find that it's time to hang up the HR hat and put on your YouTube Family Farmer's hat full time, I'm sure your channel will explode and the blessings will pour in. You can do it……………..Girl, you're a source of encouragement, endurance and strength.

  6. I watched your video last night and it's the next morning. Thank you for sharing your true feelings. I needed the reminder to get out of my head and LGLG, Let Go and Let God! Things happen that are often out of our control. We know who's got us covered! 🙏🏾

  7. We are enjoying your journey. We are learning. We are enjoying the peacefulness you bring. And for me, I love seeing fellow HR professionals growing in other ways especially in Tennessee. The tips have helped me. Keep going.

  8. Hello Barbara,
    This Houston Texas weather has been giving me the gardening blues. I just lost three five foot tomato plants due to the heat. The vine borer have destroyed my squash. I was defeated for five minutes. I am convinced that delayed doesn't mean denied. I am planting again. This garden is for food and my mental therapy. You keep pressing forward. It will ALL turn around. We have to trust God when we can't trace him. We will be victorious in the end.
    God bless you my sister!!!!!

  9. I wish more schools and day cares would utilize fresh local produce in their meal plans.

  10. I feel your frustration.
    And I like that you're not an Instagram gardener.
    We have almost given up so many times this season… then we'll look over and see something we "left for dead" with a tiny bit of greenage…

  11. Thank you so much for sharing this 'real' video. I think at times I catch myself comparing what I am doing to others. 'Wow look at their garden, wow why can I not grow as they are? Keith (what I have named my gopher LOL) has stolen all of my green bean plants, I have put noise makers in the ground, I've installed windmills, there are horned worms, squash bugs, flies, nats, and HEAT mercy the heat. I question is doing this really worth saving three dollars of tomatoes? THANK YOU, Ms. Barbara. It truly is a journey. Keep trying. We're all going to get there. 😊 Today we are not going to listen to "you know who". because he is a liar. We will continue our "journey" and trust in the Lord

  12. I am in my third year gardening also. Retired 3 years ago and started planting in containers because of HOA rules and my husband’s objections. It is a little harder to get bountiful harvest in containers. Last year was first year using seeds. Made a lot of mistakes with leggy seedlings needing light but I grew some things. Had cherry tomatoes okra and bell peppers. Not big harvest but a harvest nonetheless.
    This year nothing seems to be working. Think I may have gotten some soil that has pesticides in it and so night shade plants don’t want to grow in it. Spent more money on a different soil but still plants are struggling in my Zone 9 garden in Louisiana. Have lots of leaf minor damage, grasshoppers, found several worms in some containers. So I have remediated as best as I can with Neem Oil and dish soap, fertilized and I am praying for a harvest. So I will be praying for you and asking that you pray for me. I have spent a good sun on soil and seeds ( went a little overboard) but Gid is teaching me perseverance in my garden as well as in other aspects of life. So keep going. Keep growing and most of all keep praying.

  13. Barbara, I love that you show all of the journey. This was to be my 2nd year gardening and I have ALL of the seeds. I have containers, a green stalk, etc. I made a plan and was ready to go. THEN my body fell apart, my family fell ill…and the garden fell by the wayside. I managed to get radishes in some soil and some lettuce planted and that's what I have. I had hoped to have tomatoes in abundance, cucumbers, pole and bush beans, squash, melons but I have nothing except lettuce and radishes. All of this to say, my season is not what I thought it would be – but there's always the fall. Thank you for sharing your journey. Be blessed in your abundance – even when you can't see it :-).

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