Container Gardening

Witchcraft, Plants, and My Container Garden

#witchcraft #wicca

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  1. Haha I am totally the same when it comes to being sentimental about poor plants in grocery shops 😂 I always end up taking the one that looks the most dead as no one else would and I try to help it at home 😂

  2. The lavender needs well drained soil so add a little sand to the mix and make sure the holes at the bottom are clear. Your lettuce looks great!

  3. Check out Kevin at Epic Gardening. And thanks for sharing your garden with us.

  4. Cool!! I didn't know you were in Raleigh!! My home town! if you need any suggestion for cool things to do (ya know after the quarantine phase is over) let me know. I know a lot local parks as well which are spacious enough to get out for a walk here and there. Cute plants!!

  5. Thank you for talking about something ELSE. Something about the way you talk, your delivery, is so grounding to me. I really, really wish that I did not have a black thumb; I’ve got a great patio for container gardening😫

  6. Oh, I love hellebores! I have a couple of different ones and they've started to self-seed so it'll be interesting to see if I get any exciting new colours.

  7. My friend your container garden is off the hook. My mom is a gardener too. She can grow anything and bring pants back to life. I wish I got that gene! However I’m trying again this year, been slacking but I have my seeds and containers.

  8. Hi Thorn. You can use wormwood as a suffimigation, to replace white sage or mugwort. My native american friend told me about it when I complained that I couldn't find white sage seeds.

  9. I cannot wait to garden! It is still too cold here in MN to do gardening. As soon as my yard dries I will start raking and cleaning bird feeders and getting the soil ready. Enjoy your garden! It looks lovely.

  10. Had a chuckle hearing Marty complaining about life in the background. Also now I want to try and find containers like you have for my balcony!

  11. I love that Rosemary plant! He's got such a personality. I love rosemary, but the shrub I planted last year didn't take so well. 🙁

    I planted some lavender last year and it's not doing so well either. I may try again this year along with all my veggies.

  12. I'm jealous of your weather — I'm in Maryland and we're still getting freeze warnings & frost warnings. 🙁

  13. My new venture is into the world of permaculture… I'm a bumbling beginner but we will see how it goes. We just moved onto 3 acres in PA so we're putting it to work😂

  14. I think tunas makes the best sashimis….

    In all seriousness though, gardening is what got me back into my path a couple of years ago. I've only recently come across your videos and have been really enjoying your perspective. This may or may not inspire me to get out and clean up my fall garden a bit today… I've kind of let it get away from me over the last few weeks due to the wildfire smoke, but the air is clear now. I hope your gardening season went well or at least, was fruitful with opportunities to grow!

  15. I do a garden every year, but this year I'm doing chemo for breast cancer. The nurses keep telling me that I can't play in the dirt, it can make me sick. I still put in some potatoes, beets, lettuce, and squash, and tend the perennial herbs like Thyme, Lavender, Sage and Lemon Balm. I can't help myself, I gotta play in the dirt!

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