Vegetable Gardening

Worms Eating Your Plants? Here’s What to Do #garden #worms #vegetablegarden #squash #homegrown #grow

Got worm damage? How to identify worm damage and treat for it. Here in Florida, the worm population explodes during the summer. No amount of hand picking will keep up. I use BT or Spinosad sprays (which are considered organic treatments), about once every 7 to 10 days until I notice a decline in the damage. I also fertilize my plants to help them produce new healthy growth to outpace any of the damaged growth. I plant only the toughest varieties during the summer which includes Cucurbita Moschata squashes like Seminole Pumpkin, Tromcboncino Rampicante, and Calabaza squash. They will still get some worm damage but can handle a lot of it (compared to other squash cultivars), before ultimately dying.

Find seeds for Cucurbita Moschata squash and much more on my website.

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#squash #worms #organicgardening #organictreatments #southerngarden #urbanfarm #homestead #homegrown #sustainableliving #garden #gardeningtips #vegetablegarden


  1. Right on time! I'm getting beat up w those suckers but hopefully my plants will recover after the BT and spinosad. I used both bc I'm not playing with them

  2. There is one that bores into my pickles, light colored with little dots on them. I finally gave up and pulled the plants out. So frustrating. 😔

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