
gardendesignmag: Irises are blooming like crazy here in So Cal! How about where you are? Keep an …

Irises are blooming like crazy here in So Cal! How about where you are? Keep an eye out for our Story later today to see what’s blooming at my house (I’m Dayna, hi!)
Design tips for Irises:
-Plant irises where you can watch and enjoy the butterflies and hummingbirds they will attract.
-Mix several varieties for blooming early spring through fall.
-Iris blossoms make spectacular additions to perennial borders.
-Good drought-tolerant companions are: daylily, coneflower, lavender, sedum, blanket flower, black-eyed Susan and phlox.
-Choose a sunny location for your irises where they won’t be subject to standing water. Raised beds are ideal for growing irises, as they provide the good drainage needed.
See more spring flowers and plants by clicking the link in our bio!
Pictured: Iris ‘Ruffled Velvet’ Siberian iris is a rich purple, for zones 3-8. Photo by Sally Anderson Nature. #flowerfriday
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