
6 ways to use WEEDS to grow a ton of food

Garden weeds are an invaluable resource in your garden! I’ll give you 6 reasons to love them.

00:00 – Introduction
00:08 – Are weeds good or bad?
00:44 – Tip 1, Chop and Drop
01:24 – Tip 2, Compost
02:55 – Tip 3, Jadam liquid fertiliser – JLF
04:07 – Tip 4, Fermented plant juice – FPJ
06:08 – Tip 5, Soil moisture indicator
06:56 – Tip 6, Edible and medicinal
07:58 – Outro


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Copyright @ Spicymoustache 2020. Any reproduction or illegal distribution of the content in any form will result in immediate action against the person concerned.

#weeds #food #garden


  1. Great informational video! ❤ your humor sticking the weed to yourself. I compost all of my weeds currently- but you made a great point on getting those nutrients back in the soil quickly…. maybe fermenting is in my future!

  2. When the cleavers, sticky willy, bloom the Mexican women will put them on their long skirts. Beautiful plant…did not know about the connection to the liver. Good info in this video as always, to the point.

  3. Your channel is such a great source of information and I appreciate EVER video you post on here, tiktok, instagram! WHEREVER! NEVER STOP!

  4. I love foraging for my garden as it introduces microbial diversity and keeps myself connected to the seasons.

  5. I've only seen plant growth potion in cartoons.
    You made it in real life.
    The Fermented Plant Juice.

  6. Thes guy is great, I love nature lover and plastic heaters,keep going bro❤ from 🇧🇩🇧🇩🇧🇩🇧🇩🇧🇩

  7. I usually never put them back as I was scared it might regrow as weeds just grow anywhere without any assistance 😂

  8. In Italia per le ferie! Peccato tu sia lontano altrimenti mi sarebbe piaciuto venire a conoscerti e chiacchierare!
    Ciao, Marco

  9. Stinging nettle are good for the chickens. Its a preventative for parasites. Now i will have help keeping the nettles in check.

  10. Qualche commentino in italiano ti ci vuole
    Sei un grande mi fai proprio venire voglia di fare giardinaggio sostenibile, che figata di video che porti

  11. And i wanted to say to u that i applicate a lot what u are doing for raising awareness to all of us ❤. From the advice for the water wasting to plastic pollution.

  12. Favorite video. I do several of the things your teaching and sharing with us. I wonder if sometime you would share some of your Grandpa 's gardening techniques and maybe some of your Grandparents Italians recipes. My Grands have been involved in my gardening and I love sharing time with them in the kitchen cooking.

  13. I literally just Made a bloom mixture with brown sugar fruits n veggies n cannabis leaves i'm on day like twelve right now…. I learned so much more stuff about weeds though that is awesome….. I'm so thankful he shares all his valuable information with us…

  14. Your videos are so informative and you explain everything in simple terms. Thank you for bringing us these videos

  15. Just amazing ideas and explanations of what weeds can do for our garden. They are not all bad at all x love watching your content, am currently studying horticulture in Aus.

  16. Awesome! Going to watch all from you. People can live a healthier life without depending on pills. ❤ love the world!

  17. Thank you sooo much for Sharing your valuable knowing about our Nature 🙏🏻🙏🏻💚🕊️🌎 i Wish you a lot of Million viewers on your Channel 🔥

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