Container Gardening

Garden Tour GROW Free & Cheap Tomatoes Peppers Zucchini Cucumber Lettuce Collard Container Gardening

Garden Tour, Gardening Cheap and Free in Container gardening, garden in tote storage container, raised bed garden, and tips for Gardening Vegetables, tomatoes, peppers, onions, Swiss Chard, lettuce, squash, zucchini, yellow zucchini, parsley, celery, kale, collard, tree collard, purple tree collard, purple sprouting broccoli, broccoli, walking onions, garlic chives, chocolate mint, orange mint, lemon verbena, ginger, turmeric, blue turmeric, carrots, carrot seeds, sorrels, red vine sorrel, Malabar Spinach, lemon balm, hummingbird’s Lunch, geraniums, flowers and so much more.
Setting up irrigation tubing for trellises, trellising tomatoes and plants.

See the Hoops CHEAP and EASY, with Irrigation Tubing. How to protect your food plants from insects and other pest. I have been using this Tullle and Irrigation tubing for years, so cheap and simple to put up, light weight anyone can do it. No tools required, just a scissors.

*When you click on links to various merchants on this site and make a purchase, this can result in this site earning a commission. Affiliate programs and affiliations include, but are not limited to, the eBay Partner Network.*

Here is an affiliated link to the Same Irrigation Tubing I use:

Here are the SAME Solar Fountain Kits I buy for our Yard and this is an affiliated link to the company:
and here is another affiliated link as they all sell fast:

Here is a Company that I buy from for tubing for the SOLAR FOUNTAIN Kits, this is an affiliated link to their site, the size I get is (5/16″ ID x 7/16″ OD) which this aff. link will take you right to:

Best Price, This is TULLE that Great Fabric SO CHEAP and last years outside here, here is an affiliated link to check out, many colors, I usually get one of the greens, but any color will work great:

Soldering Iron works for making holes in buckets and totes, this is an affiliated link to someone I have purchased a soldering iron from: Soldering Iron works for making holes in buckets and totes, this is an affiliated link to someone I have purchased a soldering iron from:

Watch This Before You Make Compost to See What Can be Used to Turned into Garden Soil Container

How to Grow FREE Tomato Plant, Rare or Any Tomatoes Patio or Garden Container Gardening & Raised Bed
Dangerous for Hummingbirds, How to Feed Birds Safe with Hummingbird Feeder & Hummingbird Food Recipe

container gardening in totes storage container raised bed garden


  1. So far, squirrels haven't bothered my plants… BUT CHIPMUNKS!!!!! Ugh and did you know chipmunks can scale brick walls?? I saw a chipmunk in my lettuce tote and then it scrambled out and then literally climbed all over the brick wall of part of my house! I moved that tote away from the house.
    They are too smart for their own good! I'm going to have to be more intentional with my tulle 😅
    I kind of just clipped it on.
    Love your videos Robbie!

  2. I was just out checking my compost. It's making tea and i water with it. I'm due to transplant my lettuse. I have tons of it. Keep posting please. I love learning from you.

  3. Do you ever have squash vine borers? If so, how do you deal with them??? I'm organic and I've used Neem oil, physical barriers (foil, stockings, tulle), food grade DE. They get me every year regardless of new soil, new location, waiting a year and then planting. Squash, melon, everything get's killed by the borers. Any suggestions appreciated!!!

  4. Hi Robbie, thanks to you I am gardening on my apartment balcony!! I need help keeping my stevia alive. The leaves are yellowing and dropping, what should I do?

  5. The garden is looking great. I love seeing how you combine all different plants successfully! Thanks for taking us along on a tour! Love the Guinea fowl too. Cheers from FL😺

  6. What a difference huge amount of winter rain makes! Your garden looks amazing. I love all the flowers too. Thank you for all you do to encourage and teach people how to grow their own food. And sharing your great ideas. We are lucky to have you Robbie!
    Please ask Gary to do a video of the birdies that the man dropped off in your yard. Is Gary going to make a coop for them? Who knows where they came from poor little birds. Thank goodness Gary was able to rescue 3 of them
    Thanks Robbie. 🙂

  7. i had a refund on amazon and i just bought a 11' square divided up cloth garden bed thing, now i look forward to setting up all the new things, as my totes are old and breaking down so can't move them. but the mulch i will have… im in nrthn calif so yeah we prob had the same storm and all my plants shot up….

  8. what is the big purple mound of gorgeous flowers at time 21:39 ?? I need them and SOOO hope they are growable in my zone 7b. I love your tours. I learn so much.

  9. I'm feeling sun-deprived in my Southern CA area, too. At last for a while we got enough rain to be good for plants but lately it's just been gloomy all day every day. This morning we got a very slight drizzle that should have been measured in ounces, not inches!

  10. When you need to attach two lengths of tule together, do you think it's OK to staple them together with metal staples? What do you think is the best way to put them together?

  11. So cool and rainy here in Cleveland ! Lots of zucchini! But everything else is so behind ! Cucumbers super slow ! but All is well 🙏🏼♥️💕😇

  12. When it comes to celery is it best to keep it growing after it seeds or just anew from seeds ?

  13. The tour was great therapy. Unfortunately I'm just too exhausted & my pain's worse since my fall. I had such high hopes & too much expectation from myself. Your teachings have been a godsend. I'm not one to give in, so I'm searching for those often missed miracles. Take care, ~ Covah

  14. Oh Robbie ❣️ An hour with your garden tours is never enough for me 🌟 Everything is growing great there 😍 My ginger is growing… really slow but it's ok. We have the same weather. I'm happy cause my peppers have some new side leaves. I believe the weather will worm up soon. Your tomato project is going great. I've put some seeds from the super small tomato plant that I have and now I'm waiting to see them grow. I like that super small tomato plant ❣️
    My female zucchini flowers don't open…should I open them by hand and hand pollinate them? I have two male flowers in my refrigerator….

    I'm thinking if it would be good to show some tomato seeds in order to hav tomatoes all season long… I will see…
    And my eggplants are blooming flowers. I have an eggplant from last summer that I ve overwinter it and already is fruiting 🤗

    Thank you so much for the awesome garden tour Robbie 💖💖💖 so great informations again 👏👏👏 and those beautiful bardies are so interesting ❣️ the have already loved your beautiful paradise ❣️ 💞 ❣️
    Please take care both of you my sweet friends 💞💞💞

  15. Another possibility for cleaning up your contaminated garden soil – activated charcoal. You can buy a big bag of natural, hardwood charcoal, break it up into small pieces, activate it and you'd have enough to last a lifetime.

    Activation and reactivation is easy, you soak it in a citric acid solution for a couple of days which breaks down any organic matter in it, soak and rinse with clean water to flush it and the citric acid all out and bob's your "activated" uncle. Then wrap it in tulle, put it in a tote with the contaminated soil and fill with water. It will both attract and trap both toxins as well as organic contaminants. Then soak your bag of charcoal in ClO2 or ozonated water to destroy the baddies and then reactivate it. You can also lay it out in the hot sun to dry out and oxidize whatever organic matter might be in it or for an extended period of time to oxidize toxins and then rinse it and you're good to go but the toxins would need to be broken down and destroyed first.

    You could also wrap activated charcoal in tulle and place in the bottom of your bird fountain water reservoirs to keep the water clean and healthy. Just rotate them every month or so, leaving some laid out in the sun while others are in the water. You wouldn't need a lot. Any small amount is going to clean up water to some extent. You've seen how small those charcoal filter pitcher pods are.

    I use nylon "brew bags" for activated charcoal in large amounts of water and the smaller aquarium filter bags for smaller amounts. And you definitely want to sterilize and treat the water before you dump it or pour it down a drain. Otherwise, if you have lots of charcoal, you can spray it with ClO2 or ozonated water, let it dry and put it in the garbage. The charcoal will keep whatever remains, trapped in itself. Plus, it will continue to collect and trap more bad bacteria, viruses, mold and toxins in the garbage at the garbage dump until it's full! At which point it will slowly oxidize and break down.

  16. My 3rd zucchini is almost ready to pick! It's still under 6" so I'll give it another day or so. My Z didn't do very well last year so already having 3 with some male & female flowers showing is a good sign, especially this early in the season. I also have loads of small green Roma and Cherry tomatoes I'm keeping watch on and waiting for them to turn red. Thankfully my weather is better this year than it was last year. Did you see that Colorado had SNOW earlier this week? It was in the Vail area, which is several thousand feet higher than Denver. I won't complain about my weather after seeing that.

  17. Aweee so sweet that y’all rescued the guineas. Your gardens r looking nice, it’s supposed to be 90f today in NC, wish I could send some warmth your way.

  18. It's been cold n dreary here in Michigan. I started my tomato seeds in April. We had a beautiful 2 weeks of sun end of May, but still went down in the low 40s at night. Now it's back to cold n dreary, I had saved all the food grade plastic dog treat containers over the years and covered them to make like a terrarium and even the ones no bigger than my fingernail are perking up! I also recently bought clear ice cream pails. I had placed my 5 gal buckets with dirt in them inside my plastic covered gazebo over the winter. There is a tomato plant that has come up from last year. Unbelievable!

  19. The chairs on your property have so many functions. So much fun watching your videos. Thank you Robbie and Gary.

  20. You're so lucky to be able to grow all year long. I'm so trying to figure out how I can do that. I live on East Coast Pennsylvania even if i move plants into an indoor room like you have. Any tips are greatly appreciated. I would do anything for tomatoes all year long. Your garden is incredible 😍

  21. I can't wait to start my Vege growing journey, i have everything ready to set up and go. Just now waiting for the worst of winter to pass, to wet and cold for now. I have 2 big greenhouses for the small things, herbs lettuce ect, a tiny one for seedlings, 2 tables to put the big tubs on and 2 raised beds 🙂

  22. G'day R+G, well im going to say it hehe, but you have the weirdest land i've seen for a private house. Not saying this as a mean thing, it fascinates me, how different it is. Esp how it goes ontop of the wall, and you have Gary's huge garden up there, do you have another house, or is just all garden and then another persons block beside it. Was it anything before you came along and bought it, or just made how it is for whatever reason they did it. Yep i'm nosy hahaha

  23. Hello Robbie. Have you done a video or hand pollinating zucchini or squash? Or possibly recommendations? Many Thanks

  24. 🤩🙏 thx as always, Robbie. I appreciate you!
    The critters 🥰🥰🥰
    Especially nice to have an update on the guineas & to see Gary’s pups – those tails were

  25. I started watching you a week ago, I now have 2 hummingbird feeders, have 2 solar pumps in the mail,waiting for them to get here to make a bird bath.
    Loving your channel.
    I am struggling with my patio container garden.
    It's been a very cold may/june here in Oregon.
    This week it has warmed up, hope that helps. 👨🏼‍🌾
    Also I have seen Zero bees.
    I have been trying the self pollinating tricks . 🐝🐝🐝

  26. You cheer me up so much! I've had a terrible year and have only done the bare minimum on front porch pots. I hope to kick in soon. Thank you so much for your happy spirit.🌹🥰
    Ms Pat from southern Indiana

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