Container Gardening

Container Gardening Growing Tomatoes Lettuce Cilantro Zucchini & Vegetables in Small Space Balcony

Deck Garden growing food for every day meals Lettuce Everywhere, salad each night. Terrace Garden Ideas, Small Garden Ideas for a Vegetable Garden on Terrace Deck growing tomatoes, lettuce, kale, mint collard and more. Growing for beginners and gardening for seniors in small space. Growing tons of lettuce, greens collard and kale, tree collard, tomatoes, radishes, cilantro, and so much more. Here is How to Grow Your Groceries CHEAP and EASY on Patio Deck Garden tips and ideas; we will be growing food in flower pots, dishpans, totes, buckets, containers or garden. Container Gardening on a small patio deck growing herbs, tomatoes, garlic chives, onions, Parsley, Purslane, lettuce, cabbage, tree collard, kale and more vegetables. Growing with Tulle and Irrigation Tubing to save plants from critters.

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Here is an affiliated link to the Same Irrigation Tubing I use:

Here are the SAME Solar Fountain Kits I buy for our Yard and this is an affiliated link to the company:

and here is another affiliated link as they all sell fast:

Here is a Company that I buy from for tubing for the SOLAR FOUNTAIN Kits, this is an aff. link to their site, the size I get is (5/16″ ID x 7/16″ OD) which this aff. link will take you right to:

Best Price, This is TULLE that Great Fabric SO CHEAP and last years outside here, here is an aff. link to check out, many colors, I usually get one of the greens, but any color will work great:

Soldering Iron works for making holes in buckets and totes, this is an affiliated link to someone I have purchased a soldering iron from: Soldering Iron works for making holes in buckets and totes, this is an affiliated link to someone I have purchased a soldering iron from:

Watch This Before You Make Compost to See What Can be Used to Turned into Garden Soil Container


  1. Hi Robbie, the plants are looking terrific. Just came in to watch you and enjoy a cup of coffee with chocolate mint infused (stuck several branches into the pot before brewing) Soon I can add a black cobra pepper for a little spice. The cobra peppers are finally in full bloom and forming little hot peppers. Will you show us how you start figs from cuttings. I have an older brown fig that has been a great producer but the hard frost from this last winter killed half of the tree. I only have three living branches. Not sure how to make cuttings. Thanks, enjoyed the garden tour.

  2. Hey Robbie and Gary,hope u getting thru it Robbie ,keeping busy with your beautiful plants and healthy vegetables.I’m goin to Bunnings to get some zucchini seedlings I’ve gotta to grow them now,.I’ve got some zucchini from the store can u grow them from the seeds from the zucchini? Have u grown them from store bought before? Any tips? Melissa xx

  3. I don’t know why but I loved this video. It made me feel so good watching it. Thank you. 💚

  4. I'm new to growing this is my very first time. So my squash is doing fine I guess but I'm seeing hopping spiders small ones why and what can I do I'm about to cry 😭 I was so excited to have my own garden and this happens 😢

  5. I just watched a lady about 3 days ago show everyone HOW -TO make a very nice, inexpensive, 2-liter SOLAR PANEL for all hummers (it squirts clean water straight upwards, & re-uses the water 💧 again, & again!
    Those hummingbirds ❤LOVE ìt! It doesn't cost more than $5. I believe that it really helps cool-off all the hummingbirds. ❤

  6. i so looked forward to the different seeds to come up as i scattered them in each tote, now i needed to ID what i did, uggh lettuce looking with red thin stems could be beets or spinach, i have to ID each one. radishes, peas, beans are easy. next year im having to change out most of my plastic totes, i got them at the good will and this year i can't move them without them crumbling in my hand…. but my elephant and regular garlic is coming up (first try for these) better planning for next year and im going with plastic feed bags, or fabric pots… hope your not getting totally rid of your orange mint, i am trying to get all flavors, and i have peppermint so far and doing good. someone sent me a mummified annas hummer from oregon so i can use the feathers for my resin projects.

  7. Awesome!! Do you ever have Gary check the maintenance of the balcony for safety? I always worry so much about balcony collapsing. All the wood, soil, and water and weight of it all after so many years.. Please have him inspect everything underneath to make sure all looks good. Who knows maybe a few screws or 2×4 need to be replaced or reinforced or whatever. Love u guys! And want to make sure yall are always safe♥️♥️

  8. I am so jealous of all your goodies 😢I am doing same kitchen scrap in all my pots and my compost on the top and little chicken poop ! Let see how they come out 🤷🏼‍♀️but we are in Minneapolis not California 😏

  9. Love to keep up with what you're doing but I don't recall you ever mentioning how you prepare the Stevia for use. I just got some and am at a loss.

  10. Hi Robbie! I have been enjoying your channel for close to a year now, after doing some research for a neighbor on solar birdbath fountains. I suspect we are near neighbors, as I live in Carbon Cyn & see nearly the same view you have as I drive out of the cyn. (as well as experiencing identical weather that you described real-time on March 1!) I was so relieved to hear that your hummers have departed too — mine did that very abruptly about 2 weeks ago & I went from using a gallon of nectar a day to less than a quart! Although I do currently have 5 active nests going. As I am growing/cooking for one, my patio garden is much smaller scale than yours. I am growing a lot of lettuce and was puzzled as to why some of my plants were getting huge and others that apparently were too crowded were remaining so tiny — so today I will go out & transplant some to individual pots. Thanks for your very entertaining and informative videos!

  11. How do you keep your containers from getting so hot that the roots cook? I live near Chicago, and the weather ranges into the 100*Fs sometimes. Every afternoon, I have to move a lot of my plastic containers into the shade, which is a problem, because my yard only gets afternoon sun. My in-ground plants do ok, but my container peppers and beans really struggle. You don't seem to have a problem with this. Thank you for any advice!

  12. Yes i have a question about your pea's.. and lettuce.. how do you keep growing them in your heat? I am just starting to grow this yr. And my peas died when i brought them out. And my young plants even when I only brought them out for small amounts several times. So the sun didnt crisps them up and it did anyways. Should i try to grow more even tho its late in the season? Are there any tips you can give me to grow them even if its past planting rime?

  13. Hey Robbie, I REALLY appreciate your channel! Can you tell me what equipment you use: cameras, video editing software, etc. for producing your videos? One of the main reasons your content is very easy to follow because of how you produce your videos.
    By the way, I just bought some irrigation tubing! 😄

  14. I have to laugh at your wonderful engeniusness. It's amazing!😅 you don't even waste water! One runs into another! Good going! You are so smart! If the poop hits the fan like everyone says it will, you and your husband will be fine. You'll figure it out. LOL ❤❤❤

  15. Do y’all think it would be OK to put invasive vining weeds in the bottom of totes? Maybe chop them up small first?
    Or would that be asking for trouble?
    I hate to throw away anything I could use.

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