Container Gardening

Container Gardening | Garden Prep | HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT!!


Chris and Yvonne GCR The Journey

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Pumpless Battery Powered Sprayer
Triclopyr 4 EC Compare to Garlon 4 and Remedy
Preen Extended Control Weed Preventer
Miracle-Gro Moisture Control Potting Mix
Giraffe Tools Retractable Garden Hose Reel


  1. I never thought about Lantana being an annual in cold weather areas. I'm in N.Florida and I have so much of it. It spreads so easily. I find baby plants popping up everywhere.

  2. OMG! I am excited to see the journey. I know it’s going to be a massive undertaking for you, but I am looking forward to seeing you decorate and well, just everything. So happy for you! Love your gardening and love, love, love all the galvanize. Thanks for sharing your wonderful news and wishing you the very best in this undertaking. Thanks for sharing

  3. Ohhhhhhh love your next journey into the next creative steps in new home!!! Can't wait!! , love the outdoors and the projects, and all the things!!

  4. Your channel has helped me so very much. The patina sprays bought some and cant wait to use them. Thank you and may the Lord guide you through your move and enjoy. I am seventy years old and wish I would have had the confidence many moons ago to do this.

  5. Lovely garden containers. I was injured 16 yrs ago and containers are the only way I can garden now. I miss it so much but the containers help fill the void. Thanks for sharing😊

  6. I love your yard!! Rocks are my favorite and here in Arizona we have a lot….😳🤣 But it's sooo hard to grow anything because of the heat/snow, we're at 6200ft and all the wild animals that I love eats EVERYTHING you water🥺😑, everything! We've tried growing grass, clovers, dandelions….they eat it! But I love them too 🤣

  7. Wow you're moving! I look forward to those vids as well! Your garden areas are lovely, Yvonne. I bring my Boston ferns inside every fall, and overwinter them in my southern windows. By the time Spring comes around, they are looking kind of shabby, but as soon as I put them back outside, they get lush again. They do shed leaves all winter and it can get messy, but it's worth not having to spend money on all my ferns year after year. Congrats on your new home, and I'll be watching the new channel, too! YAY!

  8. Love gardening too! You can use packing peanuts, broken terra cotta pots, and recycle plastic bottles caps to line the bottom of your planters too. I’ve had good results with using each of these items at various times. Happy Gardening!

  9. I am so excited for you in your next adventure! The beautiful home you have created will be a blessing for whoever is fortunate to purchase it! I hope they have many years of love and happy memories there! God truly speaks through you and Chris in your art! Blessings and prayers for smooth transition ❤

  10. I like the black mulch, too. It looks so much more natural compared to the other mulches. Good luck in your next venture and health and happiness in your place!

  11. Luv it ALL 🌻🌻🌻🌿🌿🐦🪻🪻🪻🦋
    So talented! ALL those rocks too…we buy🤑 ours here in FL…unless from beach-free!

  12. And OMG …ur MOVING!!! Best wishes & should be interesting to watch as u go along. Take all those beautiful pots & plants u just made up! Yes, I love gardening, but it so humid here in FL…I put my suit on & go in& out the pool all day! Keep doing outdoor videos please & on outdoor crafts as well.

  13. First, Congratulations on buying a new home. I’m sure it’s exciting until it’s time to start packing up but in the end you’ll be so much happier.
    I love to pull weeds. Been doing it since I was a kid. In my neighborhood everyone knows me by my back end up LOL.
    Love my flowers. In fact my son helped me make a little garden on the side of house with a sweet white fence around it. I also have a bunch of flowers in pots in the front of the house. Living in Florida you have to water at least twice a day as it gets pretty stinken hot. Of course it’s great when it rains unless it’s 2 to 3 inches of it. I do exactly what you do when planting in pots. Left over sty o foam or empty plant pots. And I even save some dirt n add in new fresh dirt too.
    Your back patio looks so relaxing with all your pretty plants n hearing the fountain in the back ground. It’s so much playing in the dirt, huh?

  14. You’re the first video I’m watching since I was discharged from the hospital. I had low hemoglobin and couldn’t breath. I’m feeling better as far as breathing but still have some follow up apps.

  15. 💫✨💖✨Of course I had to subscribe last night to your new page. It’s exciting.I never miss your videos. So glad I’m not alone using weed chemicals. Wishing you both the very best.✨💖✨💫

  16. A funny story. My oldest daughter was given a 3 or 4 hanging basket stand. So her husband takes to buy flowers to put on the stand. Lol , he was blown away because she picked veggie plants. 😂😅😊. She goes “we have flowers but we need food items” because this up on a high deck and the deer can’t get to them. Your plants pots look awesome. ❤absolutely love your water feature.

  17. Wow congratulations!!!! this is huge for you guys!!!! I love the rusty, outside is my favorite place to be!!

  18. Your pots are as good as your painting items! Loved the video 🙂 I Use polystyrene in the bottom of pots too, saves space as well as weight as you say. Brilliant ! xx

  19. Congratulations on your new home God is so so good ,would love to see how you decorate your porch & inside of your home love your out house my mother inlaw has 1 they're adorable, yes i use the rusty crusty out side too ,hopefully I can get my videos up soon they'll be on decore inside & out flower beds etc , I plant Lanta every yr it doesn't come bk in Est Tn either its beautiful & gets huge gonna put it in a big galvanized tub this yr thanks for showing how not to use a bag of soil lol cause that's what i thought it take have a very Blessed😊 evening 😊 😊😊

  20. I use several 1 or 2 inch slices of pool noodle for drainage in pots, keeps the bigger planters more light weight and lasts for years.

  21. You are Amazing in your Garden!! Just realized, I’ve been watching your channel for over a year!!!🎉❤🎉. I’ve been Sooo looking forward to your garden videos!! Your Hostas and Ferns are so thick!!! I have a Boxer/pit mix dog that I named Ginger cuz she has that color on her that is your hair color!! Love!!! Anyways, she is digging up my Hostas!! I do the same as you-a tall, with a flowing & then medium upright!! I do mine in 3 or 5 plants per container. I’m gonna start saving those containers and do what you do!! I used to do pine cones and the sycamore or tulip tree round sticky spheres around as slug prevention, making pots lighter, etc. Don’t use anymore cuz got seedlings!!

  22. I Love that you love Geraniums!! And creeping Jenny, potatoe vine, Japanese red, Lantanas, Petunias, & this year I got some of the Coral Bells!!!

  23. I used to buy the Boston fern as hanging baskets, then plant into the garden with my Hostas!! I live in Athens, Ga I think zone 8 or 9. Lantanas are small bushes here that do come back every year. We just prune to get rid of old wood.

  24. Thinking you need some Black Elephant Ears in your garden!!! Near your Butterfly!! Black Eyed Susan’s with Shasta Daisy and creeping Jenny!!

  25. Oh wow. I am so excited and happy for you! What a wonderful adventure and new chapter in your lives. I am excited to follow along and watch the process. God Bless! ❤

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