Garden Plans

Weekend Homesteading hack: Upcycle Industrial Wood for Garden Boxes!

Welcome back to my off grid tiny cabin! My cabin is a storage shed that I converted into a one room dry cabin. It’s located up north in the wild woods of Minnesota. While I don’t live here full time, my goal is to make this off grid property as self sufficient as possible by living simply and utilizing the resources available.
This weeks weekend homesteading hack is using reclaimed industrial containers and turning them into garden boxes. My plans to have in ground gardens this year have quickly faded away with the advance of summer but I can still add garden boxes for the berries that I am transplanting. I can’t believe that it is the first week in June already! Time seems to go even faster since I retired and it’s even more challenging to shorten my long list of things that need to be done.
Since this property is off grid I have been getting water from a nearby lake. We are currently in a semi drought and there is no way I could have maintained an in ground garden this year without better access to water.
I need to put a shallow well in!


  1. We use black flag with the propane torch sprayer. Works the best that we've found so far here in a Michigan forest. We also keep a couple citronella plants around our fire pit.
    FYI We just installed a shallow well twice. We used plumbers putty stuff on the threads and pounded it in. It would not hold a prime for more than a couple hours. Took 2 days and broke a couple pipe wrenches to pull it out of the ground with hydraulic jacks. We used pipe tape the second time and so far she's held a prime for a couple weeks.

  2. Nice job dropping that big Aspen in a tight spot and removing the pinched chainsaw bar too! When I was a young lad (in the '60's) we used to make a refreshing drink at summer camp out of crushed fir tree tips and lots of sugar. It tastes very much like lemonade. Thanks for the video Terry!

  3. Hey Terry good to see you again. Great video the boxes look awesome!! Looking forward to the next video. Take care buddy be safe.

  4. Boric acid can be used effectively against ants and maybe cockroaches but thats about it. It has to be an insect that grooms itself so the boric acid gets ingested. Wont do anything for mosquitos.

    Those vaccum traps seem to be the best solution but very expensive and need to be powered 24/7 to run the fans. Videos of them killing thousands of mosquitoes are sure good advertising, but I haven't tried. I have marsh behind my camp too and the only thing that helps is cleaning out areas so the sun dries it faster and also mosquitos seem to hide form direct sun.

  5. hello my friend have you considered getting your own sawmill or chain saw sawmill kit to convert the tress you have taken down with lumber prices being high right now

  6. Hey Terry, yikes that was a big tree great job taking that down. Looks so peaceful but those mosquitos got to go lol. Hope river dog went for a swim.

  7. I have used the spartan mosquito tubes for 2 years on our property. We are near LaCrosse in the country and part of our property is marsh.
    I use 4 of them.
    2 in the back yard near the house and 2 near the front yard.
    I would they work pretty well..not 100% but we can sit outside with a huge problem from mosquitos.
    But very noticeable if we did not use them.
    So you may need two more to corner off cabin and work area.
    Best of luck!!

  8. Bifenthrin!! Get you some Tre! I was loosing my mind at the Shabin. You make a perimeter around camp with it & don’t have to put chemicals on your skin. They say once it’s dry it’s pet friendly…. & lasts up to 30 days. We did spray our place 4 times though… in 30 days but we are heavily wooded as you know.
    We had a bear at the Shabin too!! Terrible terrible video….. but still going to use it in a couple weeks 😂 stay tuned……

  9. Those mosquito tubes work but it takes time. 2 weeks or so to control the population. They are attracted by the sweetness, enter the tube, drink the liquid and leave but the sugar basically expands inside the mosquito and kills them.

  10. Nice to see you getting some life back in that soul my friend. Noticed a citronella candle comment and couldn't help thinking about my summer in Alaska and how we would light those candles and the skeeters would show up with straws.

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