@James Prigioni

James Prigioni: 5 Deadly MISTAKES You Can’t Afford to Make When Growing Squash

If you want to grow Squash that will produce until frost, you can not afford to make these mistakes!

Thanks for the kind words and support 😁🐕❤️

Merchandise: https://jamesprigioni.com

Amazon Store: www.amazon.com/shop/thegardeningchannelwithjamesprigioni


→ JP’s Secret Stuff All-Purpose Fertilizer: https://jamesprigioni.com/products/jps-secret-stuff-all-purpose-fertilizer-4-lbs

→Epic Seed Cells: https://lets.growepic.co/jamesprigioni

→ Birdies Raised Beds: COUPON CODE: TUCK

→Amazon affiliate link: https://amzn.to/2z7NIRQ

→Neem Oil: https://amzn.to/2NgXfta

→Insect Netting: https://amzn.to/2DbJ9I7

→BT Spray for Brassicas: https://amzn.to/3erdkss

→Pruners I use: https://amzn.to/2QsNCtT

→Tomato Clips: https://amzn.to/2YxoaGr

→Square Foot Gardening Book: https://amzn.to/3bUwCVo

→ Oscillating Fan for Seedlings: https://amzn.to/3U4yulr

→ Sulfur Dust for Fungal Diseases: https://amzn.to/2VETaXP

→ UV Resistant Marker: https://amzn.to/3oUevXb

→ 40% Shade Cloth- https://amzn.to/3vrAYNF

→ Garden Straw Mini: http://bit.ly/gardenstraw

→ Coco Coir: https://amzn.to/3uAyV9J

→ Vermiculite: https://amzn.to/311woeH

→Perlite: https://amzn.to/33uUJHQ

→Mykos Pure Mycorrhizal Inoculant: https://amzn.to/2WCZfRX

→6 Mil Greenhouse plastic: https://amzn.to/39m1YCQ

→Row Cover: https://amzn.to/2GR12h5

→My Boots https://amzn.to/2NZq5Pe


→Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JamesPrigioniGardening/

→Twitter: https://twitter.com/JamesPrigioni

→Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jamesprigioni

→Contact: (Business Only) thefranchisse3@gmail.com

Intro – 00:00
How to Heal Squash Plants Attacked by Squash Vine Borers – 00:15
How to Protect Squash from Pests – 01:55
Using Trap Crops to Protect Squash- 03:16
Varieties Resistant to Squash Pests – 03:48
Tuck Eating a Carrot He Harvested – 04:11
Biggest Culprits to Squash Plants- 04:35
New Segment, The Gnome Challenge – 05:06
2nd Mistake, Not Staggering Squash Plantings- 06:32
3rd Mistake – Allowing Bad Pollination to Reduce your Harvests 07:25
How to Hand Pollinate Squash – 07:35
4th Mistake, Causing Squash Plants to Stop Producing – 08:48
5th Mistake, Allowing Disease to Overtake your Plants – 09:48
How to Prune Squash – 09:55
Bonus Mistakes to Avoid – 11:00
Transplanting Squash to Early – 11:00
Getting Leaves Wet When Watering – 11:25
How to Save Space Growing Squash, Growing Squash Vertically – 11:38
Pruning Squash to Increase Late Season Production – 11:56
Outro – 12:28


  1. Hi there, James! You should try growing ‘Dunja’ Zucchini. It is a really great variety; it’s resistant to Powdery mildew and a few other damaging diseases, it produces like crazy, and its fruits are very tasty. I have 4 of them planted in my garden and I have been so impressed by them!

  2. omg thank you! My squash never make it to harvest and this year may be different thanks to your helpful videos!

  3. I’m envious of your garden! Everything in my garden is turning yellow and not growing. I dropped off a soil sample with the county cooperative extension and I’m waiting for results now.

  4. Thank you as always JP and Tuck! Can you use these 5 lb bags of Kaolin clay I see on Amazon or do you have to use the Surround WP? Also, do you have a link for the best place to get the Surround if we shouldn't use those 5lb Amazon bags?

  5. TYFS as Always James Great Information 💯👏🏾❤😁
    😂😂😂When you said I think I hear something in the background like someone is eating something.
    I was in mid stream of eating my dinner. I looked up and at you 👀👀 can he see me?..he can hear me eating?!😮 then you said Tuck is eating a carrot 😂😂😂😂😂 I cracked up laughing!!! Thanks Tuck for covering for me ❤❤❤

  6. Gotta ask…if you’re doing all these proactive measures, why the issues?
    Are you leaving some “un-treated” plants just to show us what can happen?
    <Vermont Cat Lady>

  7. Running so far behind this year that a "second sowing" of summer squashes will be the first sowing of summer squashes. Might still try a few winter squash varieties.
    Many thanks for this video!

    And, a suggestion, if I may: I plant white icicle radishes in my squash and cucumber hills to help deter the squash vine borers, and for the years I've done this it seems to work just fine.

  8. Your attitude, little Tuck, and the info I get from this channel make me so happy. You have a great channel, James!

  9. This is great information! Thank you James. I look forward to your videos!!

  10. James, big fan from Jersey! My parents and I love to Garden. We have about 600 sq ft and a greenhouse in North Jersey. We love your positivity and outlook on both gardening and life. Keep up the great work! I would like to see more videos on how you manage obstacles in the garden for ex. Pests, storms, funguses, root rot, diseases, etc. Would also love to see even more variety attempts on your garden and partnerships with seed companies to give us seeds. Thanks for everything James and Tuck! ❤

  11. The first time I grew zucchini they got the vine bore . They were Such Beautiful plants . I had no idea what was wrong . Boy I learned fast .

  12. How do we keep robins out of my garden they unroot all my plants do u have any advice for me I’m very devastated have to cover my plants every day

  13. Hi James. Will kaolin clay spray on our peaches deter the squirrels to touch the fruits? Despite our best efforts in wrapping our tree in a net, the squirrels got in and decimated the whole harvest. It has been so discouraging .

  14. If you plant a parthenocarpic squash, you can keep it covered all summer because it doesn't need to be pollinated. I use tulle instead of row cover because it is so lightweight it's easy to move for harvest or to keep it from pressing down on the leaves.

  15. My plants r already 18 inches tall they did for worms and unroot my plants I have 12 inches of mulch on top and they still unroot them

  16. james, you're wonderfully helpful, thank you so much. one thing to add for you to confirm or deny RE: summer squash pests. someone (who has a garden)said that the first year of growing squash, there were no pests. the second year he planted in the same bed and dealt with a pest infestation that took out his crop. the third year he relocated the squash patch to a different area on the property — no bugs. from then on out he rotated the squash patch to avoid infestations and it worked. what do you think about that?

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