Japanese Garden

Great Gardening Questions from Subscribers – Ceanothus, Mock Orange, Pittosporum, Sterile Plants

Answering Your Gardening Questions – In this video I answer gardening questions that were asked in last week’s question an answer video. Ask your gardening and landscape questions in the comments below.

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  1. On your checklist video a few weeks ago, you say you put your finger in your soil a few inches to check for moisture. What is your opinion on the water meters on the market….thanks for the great videos!

  2. Thank you so much to speaking to my question about what is munching on my GFR! Good point about the native bee partaking of the native tree!

  3. I noticed black ants on some of our trees particularly black walnuts, the trees look healthy and do great but is this anything to worry about?

  4. Question: are you familiar with a Patriot Holly tree? It grows pyramidal and thinner than a Nellie Stevens. We bought one probably 15 years ago and it hasn't done well. It's never really filled out and gotten thick and full like Nellie Stevens or other holllies. Not sure if it's the spot it's in (about fifteen feet from an oak but not in its shade) or the particular variety that is the problem. I've asked the garden center where we purchased it and they said they've never heard of that variety…We have regular shrub hollies in the yard which are thriving. My zone is 8A. Thank you for all your great sharing of knowledge. We've started putting large pine bark in our chipper and I also just pick up pieces of pine bark on the lawn, break them up, and throw them into the flower beds.

  5. So then Jim do you use the Pine Bark soil conditioner just in combination with compost in the soil and/or in pots where the plant is “fully rooted” and will remain in the pot for a longer period of time?

  6. I would love cool weather right about now here in Central Texas. We had a somewhat coolish late winter to mid spring with regular rain. Now, the rains have disappeared, and we're on day #4 of 99-105 degree weather, predicted to last the next 10 days. While the Abelia, Nandina, and Salvia we have are pretty hardy in the intense heat, I suspect I am going to need to drag out the water hose soon.

  7. I have 3 hawthorns planted in front of my south-facing home. About 2ft of empty space in between each of their sides. Every year they bloom in spring then get black spots on the leaves and look terrible for the rest of the year. Would limbing them up help avoid this? Clayton, NC

  8. Hey Jim – in several of your recent videos you’ve spoke to being more concerned about heat tolerance on conifers than cold hardiness. I’m in OKC zone 7a. Would you have concerns about planting a 5 gal Vanderwolf pine in full sun? If so, would your recommendation of shading the roots with ground covers be your top strategy to ensure health and longevity?

  9. Hey Jim, love your content. Watching you helped me get into gardening/landscaping. I was wondering if in the future for Q&As if you’d be open to video submissions. This could help us see the plants that people have questions about in the videos and it also might help you diagnose some problems better.

  10. Any info to share about Asian jumping worms? I’m finding some fast movers in my soil and not sure how to tell or what to look for.

  11. Jim thanks for documenting the laying of your flagstone path out front and the in progress patio in back. But where do we find/access those videos? I keep scrolling through various often extensively endowed playlists but cannot find the patio and path laying ones. I'm contemplating paths and patios myself and your keep it simple beautiful straightforward approach is very much my preference also. Help! Lost in the fascinating jungle of HortTube land 😊

  12. Hi Jim, I have a huge Aspen tree that has roots pushing up against thick landscaping fabric. I’m battling the root suckers that pop up daily. Should I try to tear the landscape fabric and then cover the roots with mulch or soil? Is there anything I can do to minimize the suckers? Thank you.

  13. Question: I love your fertilising method. It's something I could definitely get behind. A lot of my plants are in containers. Can I use the same method of just throwing fertiliser in the pots themselves? Wonder how much to give each container? Thank you!

  14. This is my first time growing globe master alliums. Really like the spent seed heads. Can I keep them standing until they become tattered for garden interest or will that take away the energy to bloom next season?

  15. Hi Jim! I finally picked up the Okra shirt and quickly became a member of the channel after you mentioned the live Q&A session! Your gardens have been a total inspiration for me as I begin to transform our yard here in Wilmington, NC. I started really getting into landscaping 3 years ago after having a design done for the front of my house and then stumbled onto your channel ~2 years back when doing research for my next bed.

    I believe your lot is similar in size to mine and I am in awe of your beds every single time you post a new video. I really appreciate all of the work you, Stephanie and Holly do, not only in your yard but also creating all of this content to share every week 🙂

  16. Hi Jim – Is there a safe way to prune Artemisia Powis Castle mid-season? I live in Durham – this is the first year it has taken off and already has reached the 5' spread it's infamous for – totally covering nearby perennials/groundcover. I'm not seeing any obvious spots to prune it. is there any way to control its growth mid-season or should I make plans to move it in the fall? I know you haven't mentioned this one, and I suspect it's because it would be a nightmare to design with (at least in small spaces). Cheers-

  17. Probably a dumb question but about the seed starting mix: is the Brown Cow composted manure okay to use with perlite or do you need a less erm… specific type of compost? I had awful luck using a potting mix trying to start seeds this year so I'm looking for alternatives. Thanks!!

  18. I’ve recently discovered that I have approximately 15 year old landscape fabric along a decent section of my front lawn (it’s now fully covered in grass). Right where I want a flower bed. Now, maybe this is obvious but is the best way to deal with this is just digging it all the way out? Let me know how you’d handle this and the best way to treat the soil once it’s all removed and when I can plant again. Thank you!!

  19. Hi Jim. I have a lavender twist redbud. With the weeping habit, a lot of the branches are tangled and intertwined. I try and manually untangle them but should I be pruning like a conventional tree? Anything that crosses or grows into the plant? Or is that just the nature of the tree?

    Thank you for your time! Really enjoy your channel!

  20. Do you have trouble with voles? My husband wants me to get rid of our bird feeder because it seems to be attracting them. Thoughts on how to get them under control?

  21. Do you have trouble with voles? My husband wants me to get rid of our bird feeder because it seems to be attracting them. Thoughts on how to get them under control?

  22. “Rain hits different”

    That should be on a t-shirt.

    But seriously, such a little nugget that the nitrogen in the air gets pulled down! Wild!!!

  23. Is it too late in the year to plant freesia bulbs or should they only be planted in the fall? If it is, what's the best way to store until the Fall? zone 9a coastal GA. Thanks again for sharing your experiences and knowledge.

  24. Roll away the dew… Hi Jim and Stephany! Thanks for the shoutout in last Sunday's video. Just think of how many viewers you might've inspired to listen to Franklin's Tower! 😊Thank you so much for all you do. We've been watching you since 2020 when we bought a house with a mostly shady yard in Charlotte. We've planted lots of Illicium (Florida Sunshine, Woodland Ruby, Miss Scarlet, BananAppeal, and Star Flower – LOVE them all) and seven Soft Caress Mahonias, along with lots of other beautiful plants. Whenever we're thinking of adding a new plant into our landscape, we say, "Let's see what Putnam says about it." Take good care and thanks for being such a knowledgeable, kind, and positive influence in the horticulture video world. 💖

  25. Jim, my crinum lily starfire has rust on the leaves. Blooming like crazy, but I don’t want to use copper fungicide since it’s in a pollinator garden. Should I yank it? By the way, the one I have in part shade has less issues. I’m in zone 9B central Fl.

  26. I have learned a lot in the last 2 yrs, so looking back at what i planted 2 yrs ago, it was all done wrong (too low, clay soil, etc). Would you go back and correct in the winter?

  27. Background: We have been battling a severe vole infestation since last year that has wreaked havoc on our pollinator garden-lost several perennials. We've used the castor oil compounds with very little success. We also have a heavy population of chipmunks and squirrels, and a pair of rabbits who have decimated most of the rudbeckia remaining.
    The beautiful long black snake we used to see has been gone over a year-probably no longer living in our suburban area. Thus, we are looking to the Feral Cat Program of Georgia to assist with a somewhat natural remedy to offsetting rodents. The questions I have: Are we looking at a viable solution? Are cats a detriment to gardens? Will the beautiful goldfinches and other wonderful birds still visit?

  28. Jim,
    The volunteer Mock-orange in my yard has unscented blooms. Is this the main identifier for our native Appalachian Mock-orange, P. inodorus? Also, does it bloom on old or new wood?
    Thank you. 😊

  29. Hi Jim, I have a question, this year I have some issues with my hydrangea paniculate, its leaves are curling and the stem is almost black. I have no idea what it is. I don’t see any live insects, may be a fungus. Hopefully I will get some flowers this year.
    Always thank you for your advice.
    Zone 7b Long Island, NY

  30. What are your thoughts on using bamboo in containers as a screening plant in a really tight space? I want to use running bamboo in a stock tank but am nervous it’ll somehow escape the tank and find it’s way into my landscape

  31. Question for next week, I have a Japanese Coral Bark tree that flushed out new leaves in May but a cold snap in NC zone 7A burnt the tender leaves. Will my tree flush back out new leaves or will it be next spring? The limbs are still very pliable so it’s not died but it looks bad. It also has a sucker growing from the base of the tree, could I cut and preserve the sucker to grow another tree? If so, tips on how to start that process.

  32. Can’t figure how to become a “ member” of your channel to get notices of monthly meetings. Would love to. We are subscribed but you mentioned going to bottom of your page – can’t find a link.

  33. Hello! What do I do about languishing guara. I’m in zone 8b gulf coast. Should I shear it? Seems like too much to dead head each flower stem. It’s not producing flowers on the most of the scapes now. Still healthy tho! Thank you!

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