
@houseplantjournal: Traditional plant care focuses too heavily on aesthetics and human effort, givin…

Traditional plant care focuses too heavily on aesthetics and human effort, giving you the impression that you should assess plant health by looking the plant itself and imperfections can be corrected and avoided: some would look at this yellowed leaf and say, maybe I’m overwatering. My philosophy is (1) understand your conditions, (2) try your best, and (3) let Nature take its course. Now let’s reevaluate the situation:
1) Conditions: the plant is beside the window, getting filtered sun for most of the day as this window faces south. This is adequate light for the plant.
2) Effort: given the light is adequate, the proper water strategy can be applied, which is to water when partially dry.
3) Nature: knowing that lower leaves will fall off as newer leaves grow, I can happily pull this yellowed leaf off and thank it for the months of contribution to photosynthesis.

Use this philosophy and you’ll unlock a new kind of reward in plant parenthood: the relational joy!

Tag a friend who worries about every little thing – interestingly, this philosophy applies to life as well 😉🌿💚
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