
@gardendesignmag: Camellia flowers are dependable stars of mild winter and early spring gardens fr…

Camellia flowers are dependable stars of mild winter and early spring gardens from California to Florida.
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Zones: Commonly, 7-10. New varieties bred from C. oleifera such as ‘Survivor’ and ‘Winter’s Rose’, are hardy to Zone 6.

Life span: Camellias are long-lived plants, with some living more than 100 years!

When to plant: In zones 8-10, camellias can be planted in the fall, winter or spring. However, in zone 6 or 7, they are better planted in spring to allow their roots time to establish before colder weather sets in.

Planting in containers: Camellias are great for well-draining containers and should be planted with potting mix containing 50 percent or more organic material. Choose smaller, slower-growing varieties.
Pictured: ‘Anita’ is a compact shrub but very vigorous and upright. Photo by @andreajonesgardenphotography
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