
Get early summer blooms with these flowers in the cutting garden!

How do we get flowers earlier in summer? By growing these great early summer bloomers! On this mini tour of the flower farm here in zone 5/6, we will show you all our earliest blooming flowers for pollinators and cutting!

If you’re looking to grow a cut flower garden, incorporating some of these plants will help extend your season and fill your vases early on!

Some of the ones we show include ranunculus, stock, pansies, baptisia, peonies, golden alexander, geum, snapdragons, and more! We also go over some tips for growing and timing on these flowers in the cutting garden.


  1. This summer have been very wet and hail heavy out in Aurora. How are you protecting your flowers from all the hail this region has been having?

  2. I loved this tour thank you. Im bummed though because I feel like I waited to long and missed the mark in getting a lot of thing planted in time, but now I’ll know for next year. I have just gotten 4 ranunculus blooms this week and very excited for my first go at them. Im also trying lisianthus for the first time and so glad I had some netting over them or I would have lost them to that nasty hail we got this week (Denver). I love your videos. Thank you for sharing

  3. Hi. Briana! Thanks for the info. Wondering… what did you mean when you said that the different Nora Barlow colors came from "one plant". Did you buy one plant and divide it? Or are these the plants that have come up from seeds dropped from one plant? Also, did you start with plants or seeds for your columbine? Thanks!

  4. This is the most difficult time of year for us flower farmers to have flowers blooming- between the spring bulbs & summer, heat living annuals.. so i love when you let us know when somethi g is also good for cutting. This year I grew sweet William & Larkspur for the first time & they were very helpful in filling in that gap! Oh & coreopsis! My coreopsis has been COVERED in small bugs that look to be shaped like thrips, but theyre so small & move so fast, I can barely see them with the naked eye. The only reason I noticed them, is beca7se after cutting a couple & having them in my hand, I felt something crawling on me!?! I cpuldnt see anything so I was looking really close, & finally seen them!

    How many days do you usually get from the Nora Barlow Columbine?

    Didn't realize you could use the Baptisia foliage, Blooms & it produced seed pods!?!

  5. Did you direct sow that lupine in the early fall? I tried winter sowing and they did well but lose them all when I transplant. Love, love lupin though! 😊 any tips?

  6. Thank you. I had troubles with mice.. they destroyed my ranunculus. But vaccaria is an early bloomer here in the north and I got ageratum in flower right now.

  7. December?! Oh geez, I'll try to remember that next time. I started some stock for the first time in Feb, it hasn't bloomed and we're already hitting 100 degrees in the Dallas area (zone 8a). Are the plants even going to live through hot temps in my garden and I'll see flowers in the fall, or do I go ahead and replace them with something else?

  8. We had a heat snap unusually early here in N. Indiana (z5b), but fortunately, it has gotten to more cooler/normal temps now. I am super late getting potted starts (mainly Stock) in the ground for the cooler temp flowers. Good thing I don't do this for a living! My Columbine are almost done. Peonies have been done for several weeks now. The heat took them out early. good to know a plant date for Sweet Peas. I hope I remember next year. I find your videos to be very informative and it's like listening to a friend tell me how to do something. Simple, and on my level. I need to go find that Peony video. Mine don't seem to produce many blooms no matter how long they've been planted.

  9. I really enjoyed this tour! I would love to see this kind of garden tour once a month or so 😊

  10. The pink baptisia looks soooo gorgeous😍 I was only able to find yellow and purple baptisias in my local nursery; wish I could get a pink one

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