
Does your drooping plant need water? #plants #garden #gardeningtips #permaculture #floridagardening

Should you water your drooping plants? Sometimes, plants droop because its too hot outside, not because they don’t have water. If you are not sure, try the finger test. Stick your finger into the soil. If it is dry to your 2nd knuckle, then water. Overwatering is a very common cause of root rot which will quickly kill your plants.

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  1. I have always found that if by evening a plant has not perked up then I water it….for all my plants. Also I water by hand with a watering can and water the ground only. Takes time but is worth it.❤

  2. Good information .. when I notice my squash or zucchini plants drooping I am so tempted to water during the heat of the day.
    However, when I do give in and water, the plants perk right back up!

  3. Sometimes it's forecasted to rain here, but then it doesn't actually rain in my neighborhood but somewhere close by, when it's this hot I water every other day if there is no rain. If it does happen to rain the same day I water then oh well, but if it does rain I skip the next day. Also, although sometimes it pours, there are times the rain is just too light to give the plants what they need. I think it's a matter of common sense judgements, and being out in the garden daily to access the situation.

  4. Thank you for sharing such valuable information with us subscribers ❤

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