
How to grow your own passionfruit

Melissa’s Passionfruit Planting and Growing tips

– Plant in spring for autumn fruit
– Choose a grafted plant with a good growth tip
– Plant it level in the ground and don’t tease out the roots; they don’t
like disturbance
– Water in with seaweed solution and mist the foliage with a half
strength brew
– Water every day during the first week
– Water in a wide area to encourage roots to spread
– Passionfruit will twine itself around a string
– Remove any growth from below the rootstock
– Plant two vines to improve pollination
– Don’t over fertilise or over water your vines
– Regular applications of compost and seaweed solution is enough
to ensure a good crop
– Mulch well
– Pick fruit when ripe – it will fall from the vine to the ground
– Prune back to a 1m diameter crown in spring, making sure you
leave some good growing tips; it will quickly regrow and reward
with fruit.

Troubleshooting Q&A

Why is my passionfruit flowering and not fruiting?

Answer: A lack of pollinators. Best not to use insecticides, and plant herbs that attract beneficial insects.

Why does my passionfruit look sick?

Answer: It’s probably too old. They need to be replanted after about 6 years. It might also have a fungal disease if it has brown spots on the fruit or yellow mottled leaves.

How do I treat fungus?

Answer: Spraying with a horticultural oil seems to supress mites and the fungus.

How do I control fruit fly?

Answer: Use baits in areas prone to attack.

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  1. Probably should of watch this video 4 years ago. We have had only one passion fruit from it. But it has grown beautifully

  2. I live in Arkansas zone 7b, I bought a non hardy snow queen variety. I plan on putting it in the ground but can I take up up in the winter to save it? We get snow and cold temps here.

  3. I live in Bali. Do you think I can plant my vine in a big pot (or big planter bag) and still get fruits?

  4. Having grown some passion fruit from a piece of fruit I bought at the local supermarket here in Pennsylvania I'm going to attempt to grow passionfruit here in zone 6B. This video has been a fantastic tutorial and I thank you. Wish me luck!

  5. That dog is such a show off! I've heard that grafted passionfruit spread too much for a home garden, does anyone have experience with that?

  6. Hello this is a Great video THANKS A LOT !!! I also growing Aloe Vera and Passion Fruit together. Lets look my channel and support young farmer :))

  7. Which variety is best to plant in North East Victoria.
    Please reply as summer months are approaching.
    Videos are very informative.

  8. "they don't like frost and they really don't like wind". Me in Tasmania on a rocky valley outlook exposed to the western wind "eh, she'll be right" haha

  9. What do you mean cut it back to the crown? I have looked up this term with no results. We have three main stems. They have been flourishing for 3 years, then an unfortunate wind storm has killed quite a few branches. We are using magnolia trees for a trellis. It's been working like a charm until the storm. I can't reach the top of the trees but try to keep the dead branches pruned off the best I can. I am in Southwest Florida, my neighbors love the passion fruit. So do the squirrels, unfortunately. I don't mind sharing but they have figured out the ripe ones are the best. Thank you for this awesome video.

  10. I have a huge problem with gophers so I'm growing my plants in pots for now .. they are only about 8 inches tall .. does anyone have any suggestions to get rid of gophers ?

  11. I have a home vine, with two good size branches at the base. Is it possible to separate and move one of these? Maybe air-layer it?? And can you propagate from the primings?

  12. Help planted two different Passion fruit in very large pots. Full of good looking leaves, growing well. Came out today to find….. all leaves gone. Still have steams . Help please

  13. Can you share the recipe Malish , how you make with seeds. How to use userds by themselves.

  14. Volleyball nets are great for them to climb on. Mine grew over an inch a day during rainy season!

  15. Am jospu from Uganda am passion fruit grower in east Africa but i need same ideas from you guys if possible send mi one of contact so that we talk expecally on fertalizes

  16. If I had my time again (in my garden) I'd plant in large pots (or bags) so the root system is restricted. They throw up rootstock type of useless growths all over the place which need removing, so the roots must travel a fair way.

  17. My favourite fruit. I've just planted a Nellie Kelly, I think the most common backyard variety. I know it's late summer but I found a great place for it on my property and just HAD to plant it. Coincidentally it's a full moon. I wonder if that will make any difference…

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