Edible Gardening

Edible Ground Cover that OUTCOMPETES Weeds!

Comfrey for sale: https://www.permapasturesfarm.com/store-1

Carolina Readiness Festival: https://carolinareadiness.com/pages/heritage-life-skills-schedule

Online Pig Processing Class: https://sowtheland.com/online-workshops-1

Heavens Harvest: https://heavensharvest.com/
10% of w/ Promo Code: PERMA

Permaculture Pimpcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/permaculture-pimpcast/id1511166208

Harvest Right Freeze Dryer: https://affiliates.harvestright.com/1247.html

Get $50 Off EMP Shield: https://www.empshield.com
Promo Code: perma

Bone Sauce: https://www.permapasturesfarm.com/store-1

Support the channel here: https://www.patreon.com/permapasturesfarm

Chicken Processing Online Course: https://sowtheland.com/member-area?aff=4


  1. I don't even buy those things called strawberries that go bad in 2 days and taste funny!

  2. 65 gallons of strawberries? An 8 quart tray at a local orchard here sells for $38. Or $19 a gallon.
    Your yield market value $1235.00.
    Not too shabby for ground cover.😊

  3. I loved the thought of strawberries as ground cover and, last year after watching you and Michelle growing them, I successfully have been picking strawberries all spring. Love your enthusiasm and humor. Ya'll are some hardworking folks. God bless!

  4. Totally off topic, but what do y'all do for fleas/ticks for your dogs?
    I still think Michelle should rethink Permapasture Princess!

  5. I have plugs ordered. My perma journey might have begun before yours, but you are miles ahead of me! Thank you for sharing your knowledge and your faith!

  6. how do you walk through a strawberry area without crushing the strawberries? They looked like a thick mat in the video.

  7. Just ordered some salve and comfrey roots for my Mom. Thank you, Billy & Michelle for offering top quality videos and products!!

    Glad to have been following your channel for the last 2-3 years 😊 I will continue to follow.

    We need to plant some more strawberries and maybe some sweet potatoes.

  8. No more homestead honey or perma pasture princess huh, i guess you must have caught those guns! i tried to warn you, but those Red Legs don' hear to good. By the way I had a chance to sit in the presents of one Mike Reynolds this week. three weeks to go.

  9. I need to know where to get sweet potato slips. The purple ones and purple regular potatoes slips, if that's a thing & seeds. Can you talk about potato slips & how they're made / created ? Are they pieces cut off of vines with roots started on them?

  10. I'm so proud of you, Billy, for calling Michelle by her real God-given name and nicknames. I've been wanting to talk about this for a while, but I've been waiting on the Holy Spirit. If I had someone to take care of that was elderly & had bed sores because there was no one there that knew how or cared enough to take care of them. I would put lots of intention & attention into healing those damaged spots so that they can have better quality of life and live longer. Bedsores or broken bones or any other physical damage can be healed or made worse in the same way as internal damage or brokenness or trauma. How much more would that elderly person treat me with honor and respect and love after I've healed the Bad Damage and such and help them get up and start being mobile again and help their mind get sharp again. How much more would they show love and helpfulness and be a part of everything if I put in all the effort needed to heal them. Sometimes, I hear you and your son William talking about Michelle in a negative connotation. Talking about her negative things that you would call problems. They are simply differences and that need to be cultivated and maneuvered and loved and taken care of so that they can grow into what they were there for to begin with . Even some of them may trauma and such that can and do have a purpose While and as they are healing and Healed. When you guys talk about her in a negative way and make fun of her, you are completely and utterly dishonoring her, disrespecting her, and you're uncovering her spiritually in front of everyone. In front of the whole freaking world. There are witches that scour the Internet looking for people who are showing their vulnerabilities. The ones that they should not be showing. They scour the Internet looking for people who give them ammunition so that they can do their witchcraft Bullshit and attack God's people. Do a biblical study on how you should talk to and about your wife and how you should treat her. Now, as a son, you can read one scripture and find out what it says about dishonoring your parents, and it is 1 of the main 10 commandments that Many want to look over. A large percent of wilfully ignorant so, called christians say that God's laws are done away with. "Horse shit." He says that His commandments are forever through all our Generations and in the book of Zachariah they are still keeping the Feasts of Yehovah and if they do not come to the Feasts they will be cursed with drought for every year until they repent, and return, and come to the Feast of Tabernacles. Please start building her up. She doesn't seem to like a lot of people, Or like being on camera, and she has these little quirks that make her different. We are all different on purpose. That's why we're the body. The finger is not the same as the knee. The knee is not the same as heart, or even the rectum if you will. Some of us are rectums, and some of us are eyeballs, and some of us are tongues, and some of us are hands or fingers. We're all supposed to be different. Even our Damaged Parts of our spirit, soul, and body are there so that He can be glorified for healing and delivering His people. Cover her. Help her to grow in these areas by loving her, building her up even on camera and talking with her love language, which means you All probably need to read the book The Five Love Languages. Use your permaculture principles to help build-up her areas that need help. She needs the right fertilizer, organic of course. She needs to write water and the right amount of water. She needs the right amount of sunshine and shade. If certain areas of her life are growing and just really taking root she might need shade cloth and cooler temperatures in those areas. The areas where she has naked soil because you guys have uncovered her areas that she struggles with and made fun of her. She needs a good ground cover that's going to to help her fruit get ready to start producing. Please don't take this wrong. This is coming from the Holy Spirit and He has been on me since I found you guys. Father God has been on me to say something about the way you guys talk about the Queen of your house. We're all in a growing process and when I make fun of my love Ones or anyone else for their problems or their lack of socialization or their differences, then I'm actually uncovering soil and bad seeds Can and will take over the areas of My loved ones Garden that Need nurture and attention. Judge ourselves now so that we are not judged later. Doing this will bring you guys in more unity, thus reaching more people, helping more people, completing your job for God on the Earth faster, and better. This is going to help your whole family have Exponential multiplication and whatever thing you're doing all the time as you grow in this skill of learning how to love her properly and yourselves properly. You can't love your neighbor if you don't love yourself. So if I love myself in a few areas, but then I have other areas where I hate that part of myself, and I'm really hard on myself like a drill sergeant. Guilty. Then I'm going to treat my neighbor the same way, and they may not need the same treatment as I give myself. I'm learning how to move past the drill sergeant area of myself and move into the area of healing and changing the areas that I was lied to about into the truth which would look like Jeff Lawton greening the desert when we're done. My God, I love you guys. My life has been changed radically by everything that you've done and do. This one thing is going to cause you guys to rocket in your effectiveness and productivity in so forth. It's going to cause her to get better in the areas where she's broken and agitating you. It's going to cause her to love you in ways that she's never had the ability to because she's broken in those areas, and it's your job to help fix her. Billy and William and Williams' wife are all involved with this. You can't solely depend on God alone. Your gardening and animal husbandery Skills should also be You to heal her. Billy you are her protector and covering and William you know you should be an extension of Billy in his protection in covering but it comes in a different way of honor because your The son, not husband but all these things go for every one of us. Whether we're a husband or a wife or a son or a daughter and we have other broken people in our lives always. Even if we're a hermit, there is some person that's a part of our lives that needs love and healing and deliverance. We can not get love and healing and deliverance while people are picking out our brokenness and poking at it. Bullies, prisoners, demon's, parasites, they all have this one thing in common. Wherever they see a broken or damaged place. Infection or broken mind and emotions or body or spirit or whatever. These assholes keep poking at the Bobo or infection or bad spot that you have. They just keep jabbing it and jabbing it, and it makes it get worse and worse and worse. They feed off of the pain, infection, or brokenness of others. Evil spirit use us through our brokenness and pain, all our garbage to hurt our own loved ones and poke at their wounds instead of putting sav and bandages on their wounds. You catch more flies with honey than vinegar right, well. We're not catching flies here. We're healing humans and getting them ready for a wedding feast. The wedding feast of the lamb is the most important date that we ever have to make or appear and be allowed to appear and be properly dressed inside and out. Who wants a bride who never learned to take care of herself and fix yourself up and show herself approved and walked into a wedding like a slob been rolling around in a pig pin never having had cleaned themselves up. On another note, I finally ordered 10 comfry roots from you guys, and I have started an urban Homestead. My next step is to build a simple whole house water filter and then another filter where I pump water from the big ditch or ravine behind your house So that I can water my garden and chickens and such with that water. It always has water running through it because of city water leaks. I damn it up as much as I can get away with and use it as a water source . If I can get away with damming it up big enough, I will use it as a fish source, which will make the water source that much better.

  11. Howdy, Perma Pastures Farm and Followers. I'm from "And We Know" channel. Lt lifted you up, and gave you a look. Sub'd and Liked. Your videos are very informative and educational. Bone Sauce on fruit trees? I love your idea on soil coverage, I found it interesting that you planted the sweet potato without mounds. I am going to try that. ThankQ. Just curious, are you or "Michelle" ex-military? Like the curls lolz. May God Bless you both and Keep you safe.
    #TruePatriotsHelpOthersLearn . #NCSWIC

  12. Maybe cold enough for you guys where they wont make the winter but sweet potatoes are actually a perennial and at least where the ground doesnt really freeze if you dont get every last bit of root pulled out then you will have sweet potatoes there again. I could be mistaken but I think even up there in the mountains you guys dont freeze hard enough to kill the root system so those things are there for good.

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