Gardening Trends

Early Summer Garden Tour 2023

It’s early June and time for a summer tour of the garden. We begin by taking flight and viewing the garden from the air. We land back on the ground and take a walk through the garden room by room and look at what’s in flower and looking good at this time of year!


  1. Bunny Guinness has a YouTube that might give you some ideas for your walk. She just revamped hers.

  2. Your garden looks beautiful, do you ever sit and just enjoy the garden? Or are you like me ,see the next thing I should be doing! 😊💐

  3. Just………stunning!!! So nice too to have a channel which provides the full botanical name of plants. I presume your soil ph is around 6.5?? (Just thinking about what plants I could try in my garden 😁.)

  4. It's so hard to watch your fantastic garden by someone who lives in the sweaty southeast of the States but from the cool of my air-conditioner it was a sweet journey! You are always so informative and I thank you for that. In your part of England, have you ever heard of blackspot, whitefly and aphids (tongue in cheek)???? Would love a lesson in dealing with these struggles from my garden.

  5. Thank you for showing us round and the drone film footage to get a good idea of how your garden is laid out. I think it is lovely. I think what you said was dierama is gladiolus Byzantinus, known as whistling jacks here in the south west. They may have seeded themselves in from elsewhere. My poor garden is so parched and we are on a hosepipe ban, watering cans galore!!!!

  6. Beautiful garden & great tour. Other than mowing, do you just leave the lawns to their own devices? Regards

  7. Wow, what an amazing landscape you have created with stunning garden rooms, each with individual personality! How do you keep track of all your plant species!? Amazing talent. You and your family have created a personal paradise. ty for sharing and I love all your shows.

  8. You should have good luck with your Annabelle hydrangea. I have some in every condition throughout my yard from moist full shade, dry morning sun, moist late afternoon/evening sun to dry full south facing sun and they are all doing quite well. Best of luck to you.

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