Container Gardening

FACE OFF! Container Gardening VS Raised Beds – Which is Better?

In this captivating video, we dive deep into the world of vegetable gardening to settle the age-old debate: containers or raised beds? Join me on this exciting journey as we conduct a thorough comparison between these two popular methods. Discover the pros and cons, tips, and tricks, and witness the surprising outcomes that will help you make an informed decision for your own garden. Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or just starting out, this video is packed with valuable insights that could transform your gardening experience. Get ready to unleash the secrets to bountiful vegetables and elevate your green thumb game to new heights!

Playlists and Links
Starting Tomatoes in my Aerogarden –
Supporting Tomatoes with the FL Weave –
Filling a Raised Bed –

Products from this Video

In the Garden
Raised Garden Beds –
Fish Fertilizer –
5inch square pots –
Gardentone Fertilizer –
Bamboo Stakes 1 inch-
Fabric Grow Bags –

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Spring Hill, Florida
Hernando County
Zone 9A

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Homegrown Florida
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  1. Just wonder what the result would have been if you had used soil from one of your beds and wrapped the container in aluminum foil or painted it white to reduce the heating.

  2. I live in central Fl and did something similar. I had an ok flower bed and a very nice pot of good store soil. Both tomatoes were of some variety and very close to same size. They potted plants has tomatoes first but they ones in the flower bed eventually out grew and our produced the potted one.

  3. I started with the grow bags 7, 10 and 15 gallon. I did exactly what you had recommended by putting the grass clippings and twigs in the bottom. I made my own compost and a high quality organic top soil. It has done great! But I did this because I was getting used to the grow seasons and seeing where the best place was for my plants. Now this fall and winter I will start working on raised beds. But I will continue with the grow bags. Xoxo thanks for all your info!

  4. I have three containers gardens I made out of large storage totes from Big Lots. I created a reservoir in the bottom of them. Making them self-watering . This seems to be working for me.

  5. In my containers I’ve started using fabric bags and either put them in a kiddie pool with drainage holes and water from bottom . I got my first raised bed at his year and use a soaker hose to water it. I think so far the container are doing better but I think because it is the first year with the raised bed it hasn’t really built up the soil yet.

  6. I mostly grow in containers, but this spring, I tried out $ stacking planters just to see if anything would grow in something that small. I started with organic potting soil plus worm castings and planted lettuce, onion starts and strawberry bare roots in them. The lettuce starts did fine, lots of cut and come again for 6 weeks or so, then they got bitter, so out they went. Everything else started OK, then got nibbled, or look stressed, or had failure to grow, or just disappeared.
    When I cut out the lettuce, I topped all the cells off with a compost and potting soil mix, AND mulched the top with lemongrass cuttings. THAT was the game changer. Regular addition of nutrients and protecting the bare soil made strawberries and greens shoot up. They are still producing berries (OK, just one or two left now) and gigantic chard leaves for harvest….in those tiny little cups that are probably less than 1/2 the size of GS Leaf.
    So, in containers, really good soil is a MUST, and you have to keep adding compost or other nutrients regularly so the plants can count on resources being there for them. Beds with irrigation….life changing improvement, BUT if needs must, containers can grow food, and grow food well!
    My containers of taro and turmeric often have worms in them, not nearly the same size as Petrina's, but NOTHING I grow is as big as hers! LOL

  7. GREAT VIDEO! I now have 3 raised beds and buying 2 more. After watching your video I got my 2023 Garden notebook from Jacqueline, replayed your video and took notes. I started out container gardening but found it takes too much water and loses nutrients quickly. I was not going to buy the seed starter kit after watching your video on it but now I am sold on it. Thanks for all your info. I was not going to buy the BTW….your Zinnas are gorgeous!

  8. 1st error is using nothing more than what you can buy in the store as your grow medium as you have found out. Potting soil needs to be constantly replenished with organic matter, fertilizer, perlite, coir or humus etc etc. My 3 year old potting mix is constantly being replenished after every planting. Bumper crop of beans and peppers this spring. Cleaning out bean pots this morning for a new batch of black eyed peas, and the worms were unbelievable. So your right on the money for enhancing your potted plants and don't forget the watering.

  9. I live in a rental, so no raised beds or gardens. I use only grow bags. I have my own compost & fill the bottom with twigs & leaves. Depending on the season I water them daily or every other day. I'm having great success, but it is a little more work. I have to fertilize more often. I make sure to have a nice mulch on top. My soil has improved over the years as I keep adding all the good stuff.
    I'm thinking of wrapping them in burlap or canvas, it might help. My grow bags are 15-30 gallons & I've been able to grow a lot.

  10. I grew in "grow bags" in a home built "pool" for years and had miraculous results. The down side is maintaining the water and the mosquitos. I still container garden for they are raised beds on stilts of 3 feet due to age. I filled with logs, branches, leaves, soil and compost – everything grows exceptionally well. I also add organic fertilizer once a month since they are not on the ground.

  11. Next time, use your raised bed soil in the pot. But yes, you have to fertilize and water the pots more. The roots in pots have no place to get food except from you. And if you paint the outside of the pot, and the inside top edges white, believe it or not, that makes a big difference. Learned that the hard way. Thanks for your time, it's greatly appreciated.

  12. I have two large grow bags that have been producing a handful of cherry tomatoes every day since last fall, which is shocking.
    I also buy the recycled plastic pots at lowes for $5 and spray paint them so they are a lighter color. Use them for most of the herbs so i can move them around easily based on time of year and sun exposure.
    I just took advantage of the buy 3 get on free birdies raised beds, so will have better luck escaping all the wabbits snacking on my food!
    Nicely done on the experiment! We all have to find what works best for our needs as they all differ. Just doing our best to grow our own and become less dependent on grocery foods contaminated with all the things.
    Are you having better luck with your greenstalk? It looks great!

  13. I used both , but this is only my second year with a garden , I learn last year some plants like containers and other no so much.
    I did make my own compost and also have red worms 9 months prior to start the garden last year. 🙂
    it help a lot .
    It surprise me you only water 2 times / week your tomatoes. I live in WA state and I have to water my tomatoes everyday.

  14. I have found the biggest difference is knowing what variety you use for each location. Using patio varieties in a pot and traditional varieties in raised beds. There are many more patio varieties today due to the larger demand from urban gardeners. Check some of them out

  15. I did all of my gardening in bags and barrels this year. I have a drip hose run through the handles for watering, 2x a day when it's above 85. Out of 20ish plants, I'm close to 100lbs this spring season. Going to pick suckers from the Romas for a fall crop. The Better Boys are still going strong, a large tree blocks the worst couple hours of sun. 🤞

  16. Grow in both black bags and raised beds. We had tomatoes in both. The black felt container gave us many small tomatoes but the plants in the raised beds couldn’t hold the weight of the tomatoes that were bigger then my hand and very very plentiful.

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