Gardening Supplies

Best garden bed for beginner gardeners #beginnergardener #garden #vegetablegarden #raisedbeds #plant

Best garden bed for beginner gardeners.

This is the perfect garden bed for a new gardener! If you have decent native soil, then clean out the weeds and plant direct in it. Many of us have poor native soils that require a lot of work and knowledge to fix before planting. If your a new gardener and that seems like a daunting task, then get started with a simple raised garden bed. There are so many different materials you could use to make garden beds, like free wood pallets, concrete blocks, and pressure treated wood. Whatever material you use, aim for a garden bed that is 8 inches deep or more. Fill the bottom with whatever sticks and leaves you can find to take up space and require less soil. I fill my garden beds with the cheapest compost I can find.

– Bulid 1 vertical gardening trellis along the back to grow 1-2 crops, like cucumbers, cherry tomatoes, or pole beans.
– Plant mid-size crops like peppers, eggplants, flowers, and herbs in the middle.
– Plant vining crops like squash and melons along the edges so the vines will spill out and grow around the bed.

Start with 1-2 garden beds and add more as you master new crops each season.

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  1. In Hawaii our soil is lava rock. Grow year round but have to excavate to find dirt, very alkaline dirt.

  2. I have good soil, but because I rent the land my house sits on I have restrictions per the landlords request, only native plants can go in the ground everything else has to be in pots, which I am fine with I prefer native plants anyway

  3. You also have to consider where to plant so the sun hits your plants at the right time of day. Certain crops do not like too much shade and others don’t like full sun. Plan accordingly or experiment. Make sure you take notes of what you planted when and where so you can improve on your plan next year.

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