Front Yard Garden

Transformation garden washing yard planting trees mowing pruning trees free help young single mother

Don’t forget we have 3 channels.
Channel 1: Clean up 68
channel 2: Clean up ht 86
channel 3: Cleaning ASMR ( quick video channel )
Video on the 3rd channel ( Cleaning ASMR ) we use quick video content to help viewers who have little time to watch will better feel about the work we have done
Hi everybody. This young single woman asked us to clean the yard of the house, she shared that she lives alone so she doesn’t have time to take care of the garden because she has to take care of her children. We cleaned the garden lawn and planted more bananas to make the garden more beautiful , then trimmed the pomelo tree that had wilted some branches due to lack of care so we cut it off , then we washed water tank and front yard .Thank you for always supporting our videos


  1. Your work has improved every time. You boys work like experts now. We can't praise you enough. Your people must be proud of you two doing what you do. Beautiful thing. Good job boys. Love your channel. Keep up the good work. 👍👍😍❤

  2. Вітання з України!
    Гарний шмат роботи вам попався,але хоч немає зарослів як у джунглях !!!
    Напишіть хоч приблизно скільки коштують садиби в доларах,дуже цікаво!😊

  3. At 4:35 the black toad made a hasty getaway ,stage left. HaHaHa! On a more serious subject ; Stop burning plastic trash. It is toxic,and stinks.

  4. Такой уютный двор получился. У этих людей мусора нет, аккуратные. Ещё бы стены все вокруг побелить и бордюры, и красота.

  5. Hermoso felicitaciones. Pero una recomendación, las basuras como recipientes de plásticos, papeles ect. Recomiendo no quemar para cuidar el medio ambiente.

  6. Fantastic!!!! Perfect job!!!Fabulous!!!💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏

  7. Thank you lads an interesting watch. Such a lot of patient hard work – fabulous. Thank you too for rehoming the little plumptious worm lovely. Kind regards.

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