Gardening Supplies

Garden Update – so excited it is planted! And trip to town to street market #vlog #garden

Come along as I work in our garden and give a quick tour plus make brunch. I also run uptown and go to a little market and check out the community garden at my church. Then back home before the heat of the day

If you need canning lids or supplies try Forjars lids. I have a 10% discount code below
ForJar lids are my favorite lids to use for canning. Use the link below and the code RENEE10 to receive a 10% discount…

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#homemade #garden familyrecipe #summer


  1. Heavy Whipping cream is so good in strong chia tea with stevia as well. This casserole is different then any breakfast casserole that I’ve seen. So you know me, I’ve got to try it. Love wax beans in stew. Your garden is beautiful. That’s a nice street store. I like that it’s just women venders. Especially the tea blender. I just received a gingerbread tea that I’m excited about. So the tea vender I would like bee to honey.

  2. That breakfast casserole looks so good! I never crack my eggs into a separate bowl one at a time. I know they say you’re suppose to. But in 10 yrs I’ve only gotten 1 bad egg, so I keep cracking the easy way. Watch, I’ll get a bunch of stink eggs now & ruin my recipes 😂

  3. Oh my gosh, the community garden is so beautiful along with everything else, but that was just breathtaking and I can’t wait to see it later in the summer when it’s really in its glory what an Labour of love for those men to do that that’s a lot of work, but look at how beautiful

  4. That garden at your church is a wonderful outreach and looks beautiful loved your garden to and that rosebush is special

  5. Your Community Garden is a ministry in itself & a beautiful outreach. Please visit again as it grows. Your breakfast casserole looks like a winner & it will bless you & your husband for several days ❤️

  6. Your breakfast casserole looks so good I have never put bread in mine but I’m definitely going to try that! Your community garden is amazing! Thank you Renee😊

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