Container Gardening


My free alpine plant needs planting out so I transplant the snow drops underneath the Scots Pine, freeing up the old terracotta planter. Look at all the life living under the stones. I’ve got strawberry flowers coming and talking of flowers look at the beautiful Amaryllis this week. The lettuces are coming on. I love this time of year seeing all the new growth.
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#containergardening #frugalliving #slowliving


  1. Very healthy! You know we had so much rain this summer in Australia, I couldn't mow the lawn for weeks. In the end the grass out the back was 3 feet high and the weeds went nuts with all the nitrogen from the thunder storms. I ended up calling in the professionals as it was beyond me. In between the rain they got the job done. It took a day and they charged me $860 for front back mow and weeding! I nearly died!! They reckon they had to charge more because of the risk of snakes. WHAT A load of crap. Only in Australia do you get away with that one.πŸ˜… I've never seen a snake except for dead on the road. The wildlife snake, shark, spider thing really is a bit of a inside joke. Shh!!πŸ˜…πŸ˜…

  2. My garden is being taken over by wild strawberries – not complaining! You’ll have to watch the woodlice on them, they absolutely love munching through the fruit. The wild straws are tiny and taste like old-fashioned sweeties.

  3. Love it Jill! Snow drops will be so happy and your old Terra planter looks amazing now.. Ideal! Everything looks so super healthy, happy and green.. you have such a green finger.. Thank you so much. Have a wonderful day πŸ˜ŠπŸŒ±πŸ’šπŸ™βœ¨πŸŒΊ

  4. Cold and rainy here in Ohio … it will be several weeks before I can plant anything … you have quite a green thumb , Jill !

  5. You definitely have a green thumb.πŸ‘πŸŒ±πŸŒ± We no longer have big trees so I have a hard time keeping plants alive in the scorching Florida sun. I have to water twice a day in the summer.😬 Your plants look so succulent and healthy. So beautiful. Blessings.πŸ€—πŸŒ·

  6. I love the houseleeks in the terracotta pot.used to be grown on top of porch pan tiles to keep away drunken husbands.xxxx🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝

  7. Love watching your chsnnrl .im not vert good at gardening but im trying i love seeing stuff sprout up .i judt need to get a lot of soil and pots as my ground is hard x

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