@Epic Gardening

Epic Gardening: These 3 plants rise from the dead…

Beware when you plant them, they’ll spread everywhere!


  1. Nah man i wish it was that easy, i have to put in a bit of effort to have my sunflowers bloom, the snails love em

  2. So sad, and also a little funny, to hear nasturtium taste like gasoline for you, they are my summer lettuce substitute! 🙂 Happy gardening!

  3. Wait, plants that are edible and taste like gasoline. First I’m not going to question how he knows what gasoline tastes like and secondly I get to let the intrusive thoughts win and see what it tastes like. Woooooo🎉

  4. Same thing with some basil varieties, I remember going to my grandpas ranch which was 207 acres at the time, my grandpa had started some basil seeds indoors in seed trays, once they sprouted and were completely root bound he planted the 6 that sprouted each in a raised bed no where near the location where now 6 years later those 6 plants have spread into a 7 acre patch and their even down by the hunting ground and shooting range, basil is the grass in those areas so the speak and if you need just reach down to your feet and grab some

  5. Wait wait wait…you encouraged the planting of alyssum in vegetable gardens and now you give the warning? NOW!!?! Well, at least they’re cute

  6. ain't that truth about sunflowers. this year I didn't plant any and they are over 10ft tall

  7. Did you buy your home with your business or yourself? I havent seen you post on your business channel in a bit and i want answers 😅

  8. For all of you who keep asking Kevin “How do you know what gasoline tastes like?” It’s probably because that with any kind of really potent scent, you can usually get a general idea of how it would taste because the smell of it is so permeable

  9. I got some nasturtium called night and day mix. flowers are creamy/buttery pale yellow and deep maroon…I always thought nasturtium taste like raw broccoli to me.

    My forever flowers are morning glory and datura inoxxia.

  10. I wish the nasturtium would reseed themselves prolifically! I grew them for 2 years, 3 years ago and they never came back unless I seeded them 🙁

  11. My grandpa was the plant guy, sadly he passed away 6 years ago. but the artichokes he used to plant always come back. We don't do ANYTHING, but every year you can find 4/5 plants ❤

  12. Are we able to visit the garden? I am a travel nurse and was looking to make a trip to San Diego for a couple days!

  13. Bee balm…it’s everywhere! And sun drops are happily spreading throughout my garden here in zone 5.
    As far as sunflowers…tried growing from seeds then planted outdoors hoping for a nice garden, but something had them for lunch one night. 🤦🏻‍♀️

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